Is the Canon Digital Rebel XT really a better camera than the D50? Sometimes I get this impression from reading reviews, and other times it seems they are about the same. Initially I wanted a D50 because of the price, but I see that you can find a Digital Rebel on eBay for about the same.
I've read the downfalls of each camera, and the fact that the Digital Rebel doesn't have great weatherproofing bothers me, especially since I live in a rather snowy climate. But then I have to wonder if the D50 is the same and that I've just not read anyone talking about it. Is this a common issue? And is it really that big of a deal?
I guess I also just have to ask about general image quality. If taking pictures on default settings using both cameras, are they about the same?
For now it's kind of a toss-up with me. I'll probably just end up buying the D50 from a trusted dealer, if the differences are not vast. I'm also mostly a lamen, so if the Digital Rebel just has extra features that I probably wont understand, then it's not a big deal.
And for the sake of vanity, Nikon is just sexier. :sleep: