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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2005

    night pictures on digital camera

    I have a Kodak Z7590 and i want to take some good lightning and moon and star pictures how do i do this? thanks

  2. #2
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Re: night pictures on digital camera

    Tripod, timer, and long shutter speeds for the stars. For the moon, just shoot as you would in daylight, the sun is illuminating it. Sunny 16 rule works very well.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: night pictures on digital camera

    Quote Originally Posted by flynnstone_45
    I have a Kodak Z7590 and i want to take some good lightning and moon and star pictures how do i do this? thanks
    Long exposures with a telephoto lens will give you star trails rather than stars due to the rotation of the earth. A moon shot is really only as effective as the size of your telephoto lens and works out better if the moon is near the horizon.

    One shot that works well is a scene such as a lake that is lit by moonlight with reflections off the water....about 15 to 30 sec. at 2.8. Some photographers have done a composite shot of the moon and a moonlit scene. Others have even experimented with flash to provide some detail to the foreground of a scenic night shot. Certainly you need a good flash and a light touch to get just the amount of light you would want, and to avoid destroying the general moonlight theme.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: night pictures on digital camera

    sunny 16 rule? set your aperture to f/16?

    I find that 15s exposures expose stars well enough to reduce star trail if they arent wanted, usually 3x 15s exposures will do the job for me..
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: night pictures on digital camera

    Before you ever decide to use an external flash connected to the the external flash connector on the Z7590, make sure the flash does not have a "high voltage trigger". It will screw your camera up big time.

  6. #6
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: night pictures on digital camera

    Quote Originally Posted by RebelXT-WH2CYK
    sunny 16 rule? set your aperture to f/16?
    Thanx Rebel for the clarification. I had the opportunity a few minutes ago to use this rule. And having just read your post a few minutes before I tried it. colors just popped off the screen at me. I had shot several different apertures before remembering and I can really tell the difference. Here in Wisconsin this winter, we have had very few "Sunny" days. In actuality, we're supposed to be having snow today, but it's a beautiful day so far and the birds are finally starting to partake of my seeds, so hoping to get some nice shots today. Again...thanx for the clarification.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: night pictures on digital camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Greggie Boy
    Before you ever decide to use an external flash connected to the the external flash connector on the Z7590, make sure the flash does not have a "high voltage trigger". It will screw your camera up big time.
    Perhaps a dumb question but if the flash is compatible with your digital camera then, I would assume that the voltage trigger is too. No?


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