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Thread: Newbie advice

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    tulsa, Oklahoma

    Newbie advice

    Been considering getting a camera for quite some time. I talked with friend who does photography he highly recommended the Nikon Coolpix cameras. I would like to stay under $600 for a camera. My primary uses will be for taking photos of family, wildlife(zoo pics) and some air show photography. Have looked at the various Coolpix cameras however am unsure which one to go with. I am hoping someone on here can lead me in the right direction. I am open to other brands such as the Canon but have heard nothing but good about Nikon. I have very little if any photography experience and want a good point and shoot camera if possible that will fit my needs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Rome Ga.

    Re: Newbie advice

    If your budget is 600 I would look more for a DSLR. You can get the Olympus 510 two kit lens for close to that. You would be amazed at the difference in a DSLR and a point and shoot. In body image stabilization that really works, not just a higher shutter speed offered on point and shoot cameras. There is just more you can do with a DSLR and you will never look back. No shutter lag and great image quality. I wouldn't attempt an air show with a point and shoot. But if that is what you are set on most here prefer the Canon G9. The 40-150mm lens that comes in the 510 kit would be great for a zoo outing.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie advice

    I'll second that - you could also look at some of the slightly older models and keep in the price point as well. If you are insisting on a point and shoot - the Sony DSC-R1, the Sony DSC-F828, and the Canon G series are all excellent point and shoots. The R1 would be the biggest and bulkiest of the mentioned (still smaller than SLR), but it will give you SLR quality photos...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Walnut Creek, CA, USA

    Re: Newbie advice

    The problem with point and shoot cameras for your purpose is that the lenses might not be long enough for wildlife and air show photography. As suggested, you might want to look at the lower priced DSLRs.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    tulsa, Oklahoma

    Re: Newbie advice

    I made a trip to the local camera store this weekend and did some looking. Plan to buy online just because the prices are so much better. I have a thing for the Nikon, I guess because they do run a little less $$. I was impressed with the Nikon Coolpix P80 and 600. For a point and shoot however thinking about buying my wife the point and shoot and buying myself a DSLR how good is a Nikon E40 I believe was the model number?

    Getting my wife a point and shoot and myself a DSLR will allow me to play with both and take which camera would come in handy. She wants her own camera and it would be a upgrade over the Samsung camera she has now. I really like the DSLR after looking at them however the wife scaled back the budget now to in the $400-$500 dollar range on a DSLR so any other recommedations on a good budget DSLR for a novice? I appreciate the time everyone has taken to aid me in buying a good camera.


  6. #6
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Newbie advice

    Fireant - honestly I dont think Nikon is a great value - they are a great product but in dollars and cents I think their competitors outdo them. Particularly among the consumer line as you are looking at a D40. Canon isn't going to be much cheaper either, but a little. If you are looking for great value than Sony's got it, easy. In camera stabilizer stabilizes all of your lens - not quite as effective as a lens stabilizer, but still gives you about 2 stops maybe 3. Considering you are looking at a D40, the competing models would be the Canon XT/XTi and the Sony A200, either of which would outperform the Nikon D40. Olympus has some really low priced SLR's too, however I am not very familiar with them, just another option that might be worth looking into. Hope that helps.

  7. #7
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Rome Ga.

    Re: Newbie advice

    If your budget has been trimmed back I thing maybe a used 510 would work too. Since the release of the E3 and soon to be released 520 there are more photgs upgrading. Watch the price of the 510 and I am sure you could get a good deal in the next few weeks. The in body image stabilization could really come in handy with the N&W pictures you want to take. It is a technologoly that really works.
    Check Amazon, they carry used equipment you might have some luck there.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Newbie advice

    As I think you budget for a digital camera is much higher for the usual.If you buy from the internet I think you could save more money than the one you mentioned!! To be honestly,I like shopping online,that is a very funny enjoyment!! sometimes,because of the Nikon is a famous brand,so may there product has a great price for sale!!
    All in all.I hope you could get a good digital camera!!
    Good luck,Rita
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