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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    New user, Starting Accessories?

    This is my first post, I am just breaking into the world of photography and so far I'm fascinated. I know nothing more than the basics of photography so please bare with me as I am learning.
    I'm looking for accessories that are compatible with my Sony DSCV-3, any recommendations?

    A friend suggested I buy an external flash, I came across the Sony HVLF32X, it looks good but reviews say the flash eats up batteries. Is this a common problem or do some flashes use less power than others?
    Also, Would any lenses improve the quality of my pictures? From reading reviews i understand that some very cheap lenses (around $50) can diminish the picture quality. I'm willing to spend the money necessary for a quality lens, but i don't need the most expensive lens out there.

    One last thing, are certain lenses compatible with different types of camera's? Ideally I would buy an SLR when I get the money and whichever lens I buy now would be compatible with the SLR and the DSCV-3. Is this even possilbe?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?


    Welcome. Correct if I'm wrong, but does not the Sony DSCV3 have a fixed lens? So whatever SLR camera you get has no bearing on the DSCV3, and you cannot get another lens for the DSCV3.

    Personally, if you are serious about getting into photography, I would not buy any additional peripherals for the DSCV3 but would instead try to purchase an SLR, new or used, and go from there. SLRs are expensive though.. you will not find a new one for under $500, but you may be able to find a good used one for a substantial discount from someone who is upgrading.

    Most all lenses are specific to their particular camera manufacturer. Therefore, a Nikon lens will not work on a Canon SLR. There are a few exceptions but none worth noting. There are after-market lens manufacturers who make lenses for the different main cameras - Tamron and Vivitar being the biggest - but again they are specific to particular cameras.

    Yes, the quality of the lens can make a substantial difference in picture quality. Get what you can afford and do not be too afraid to get a cheaper one if you have to, so to get the ball rolling. You can always get better lenses in the future (you will notice that the older photographers have the best equipment - they are making more $ at that point of their careers and can afford it).

    As for another flash in the interim, do you really need it? How much Flash photography do you do? What distance from you is the typical subject? I guess there are differences on power conservation w/ different flashes, but I dont know if it's big enough to worry about.

    Hope this helps somewhat!

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  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?

    You can evidently get an adapter to put lens filters on but they aren't really "a lens" but peripherals that enhance the capability of your lens for wider angles or more telephoto capability. In other words, you don't take your lens off and put another one on as you would with a dslr. In my limited experience they degrade picture quality and you are better off getting the best you can with what you have. As GB says, you can't buy actual lenses for the camera.
    If you are not ready to purchase a dslr, but want peripherals then I would focus on things that you will be able to use with both such as a good tripod or monopod. Don't know what external flashes fit your camera but if you want one that will transfer to the slr you will have to get a Sony slr which would limit your choices.
    Another thing you might want to investigate is photo editing software. Research and anything you end up with will work with any digital camera.
    Good luck and welcome to the best forums.
    Keep Shooting!


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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?

    Hey man, there is a great article that may find helpful in finding the right accessories for your new DSLR. Happy shopping!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?

    in this forum ,u can see other article ,it maybe help u !

  6. #6
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?

    I guess theres a 0.5x converter, I don't get it, "0.5x wide lens with macro", very odd. Can someone explain this?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?

    Here, this ones a real beauty, the most beautiful camera alive.....

  8. #8
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: New user, Starting Accessories?

    link spam (and crappy camera)

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

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