This is my first post, I am just breaking into the world of photography and so far I'm fascinated. I know nothing more than the basics of photography so please bare with me as I am learning.
I'm looking for accessories that are compatible with my Sony DSCV-3, any recommendations?
A friend suggested I buy an external flash, I came across the Sony HVLF32X, it looks good but reviews say the flash eats up batteries. Is this a common problem or do some flashes use less power than others?
Also, Would any lenses improve the quality of my pictures? From reading reviews i understand that some very cheap lenses (around $50) can diminish the picture quality. I'm willing to spend the money necessary for a quality lens, but i don't need the most expensive lens out there.
One last thing, are certain lenses compatible with different types of camera's? Ideally I would buy an SLR when I get the money and whichever lens I buy now would be compatible with the SLR and the DSCV-3. Is this even possilbe?
Any advice would be much appreciated.