• 03-07-2005, 11:15 AM
    John Masson
    New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    Hi Guys.

    I have been doing some research on buying a new digital camera. I am an avid photographer and am always looking to upgrade my equipment. I did dabble in 35mm, but now that my trusty old Minolta XG-7 broke; I am looking for a nice replacement for it and my current digital camera.

    I currently own a Olympus C-750UZ 4MP which is less than a year old. Although, I would like to have features leaning more towards a Digital SLR. I am not ready quite yet to make the move to DSLR, mainly because of the cost at this point in time.But I know I want a 8MP camera or higher.

    I have read reviews on all the major offerings. I try not to base my whole decision on reviews, because they tend to be biased towards certain brands and they often use ridiculous testing procedures. But I was able to take certain similar points from different reviews on a particular camera and then factor in my personal feelings about each camera.

    I 'nixed Sony and Nikon's offerings right off the bat.....

    I looked at the Konica Minolta A2, but it was apparent to me that it had plaguing problems with image sharpness. I then found it's little brother the A200 which has a 270 degree rotating LCD (big PLUS), the same lens as the A2, and no known "problems". The A200 is my top choice at the moment.

    I also have looked at the C8080WZ from Olympus..... Again, I am not loyal to any brand and I know that no camera is perfect.

    I have a strict budget of $800. I can get the A200 for $680 on NewEgg and a 1GB 4X Flash Card for about $75.

    Are there any next-gen cameras coming out soon within that price range, that I should wait for? Any personal experiences with the A200 or 8080? Thanks for your time guys. :)
  • 03-07-2005, 02:02 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    the problem is that "next generation" cameras tend to have opted out of the mega pixel race.. u quite clealy havnt.. ??

    not a lot else to say really because u have already disqualified the cheaper DSLRs..

  • 03-07-2005, 02:24 PM
    John Masson
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    I'm not in any megapixel race, personally. But I want the size and feeling of an SLR, and unfortunatley lower megapixel cameras do not provide this. I do not want a camera I can fit in my pocket, so to speak. I am mainly looking for people who own either an A200 or C8080 so I can get some real world opinions on them.

    I did seriously consider DSLR's, but they are a bit out of my price range. To get a comparable lens of the A200 or other 8MP's, I would have to spend almost as much as the DSLR body itself.
  • 03-07-2005, 05:59 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    i could point u to a good lense and DSLR like feel on a 4mp camera and it certainly wouldnt fit in your pocket..

    "I 'nixed Sony and Nikon's offerings right off the bat...." thats another kind of "strange" statement someone might ask why..

    "But I know I want a 8MP camera or higher. " again someone might ask why..

    just speaking my thoughts on your post.. dont mind me.. he he

  • 03-07-2005, 08:47 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?

    Originally Posted by trog100
    i could point u to a good lense and DSLR like feel on a 4mp camera and it certainly wouldnt fit in your pocket..

    "I 'nixed Sony and Nikon's offerings right off the bat...." thats another kind of "strange" statement someone might ask why..

    "But I know I want a 8MP camera or higher. " again someone might ask why..

    just speaking my thoughts on your post.. dont mind me.. he he


    I just thought that I might add that the more pixels you try and cram on such a small sensor the less real image quality you are gunna get. If you are in the market for a camera at or just under $1000.00 then you need to look into a good 6mp Dslr like the 10D or D70. The sensors they put in these cameras so vastly out preform quazi-Dslr sensors it's not even a contest really. I saw the images from my friends 8 mp nikon C.P. 8700 compared to that of his 6 mp D rebel. It's no question the rebel had that quazi-Dslr beat not only in image quality, but suprisingly enough in resolution. that really shocked me, but it just goes to show the difference between these two types of cameras.

    Now 'twixt the 2 cams in your title there i would go with the olympus, unless you wanna change that A200 into an A2.


    p.s. sorry but i am in a snarky mood...;)
  • 03-08-2005, 02:24 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    interesting post really almo.. "i know i need 8 or more mega pixels" sounds like knowledge based on out of date theories.. and as u correctly point out a cheap 6 mega pixel DSLR takes a btter picture than a 8 mega pixel prosumer.. what it dosnt have thow is that nice 28 to 200mm lense wihich would make the cheap DSLR not exactly cheap.. these things (prosumer and DSLR) are overlapping aint they..

    perhaps we need to split DSLRs into consumer and prosumer categories.. ????

    my crystal ball tells me that the next generation of prosumers my well only have 6 mega pixels but would be able to use ISO settings of 400 or higher..

    let me pose a hypothetical.. imagine that A200 with only 6 mega pixels but the ability to use ISO 400 with reasonable noise levels.. would John consider it inferior to the current 8 mega pixel one..


  • 03-08-2005, 04:20 PM
    John Masson
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    I am not in the market for a DSLR. I want the best "prosumer" camera I can purchase for around $800. It needs to have at least a 7x Zoom.....

    Anyhow I am getting closer to making a purchase and I have narrowed it down to TWO cameras. The Canon Powershot Pro1 or the Minolta Dimage A200. I am leaning more towards the Pro1 at the moment. The Pro1 looks to have faster AF and most of the problems described in early reviews are gone with the firmware updates Canon has released.
  • 03-10-2005, 05:10 PM
    John Masson
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    After more thinking, I may purchase a DSLR. I would love to be able to have 35mm speed with excellent quality and no "dead" time between shots. I see that Canon is introducing the new Digital Rebel XT later this month. For $999, can get the kit with good starter lense. Then have the flexibility to upgrade down the road.

    Any opinions on the Rebel XT? It looks like it will be a solid camera. :)
  • 03-10-2005, 09:49 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    now if u hadnt been quite so assertive about your needs and requirments in the first place we could have started this conversation a while back .. he he

    i think u are going the right way.. the real high end prosumers dont really compete well price wise with the low end DLSRs.. this is only a recent thing.. but it is a thing..

    only one other thing really... the new kid on the block comes in at full price.. yesterdays kid goes on special offer.. u have to look carefully at what the new kid has to offer that the old one dosnt and then work out if the new kid is worth the extra money.. basically the old rebel might well satisfy your requirments and it will be a lot cheaper.. perhaps a better lense cheaper..??

  • 03-11-2005, 02:27 PM
    John Masson
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    If I take the dive into DSLR's I want something with great speed, something that the original Rebel fell down trying to accomplish. I may wait a few more months, and then re-evaluate the situation. If I do get the Rebel XT I may also purchase a Sigma 70-300mm lens.

    I have also been looking at the D70. It is a proven camera with great abilities, and in a few months may drop in price. I'll see how the Rebel XT performs once it is released, but the D70 is looking better and better now that I research more :)
  • 03-11-2005, 05:14 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    yes the D70 is a good option.. its been around for a while and the price is coming down along with the old rebel..

  • 03-13-2005, 01:43 PM
    John Masson
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    I will most likely make a purchase this week. I have found a reputable dealer, on eBay with 80,000 feedback. I am looking at this package:

    The Nikon D70 Outfit with 18-70mm DX Lens
    Nikon 70-300mm "G" Lens
    SanDisk 1GB Extreme III CompactFlash
    USB 2.0 Compact Flash Card Reader
    Extra Battery
    Nikon SLR Carry Case

    All for $1400 shipped. Plus $230 in rebates. = 1170 after rebates, for a complete package.

    I know the "G" lens is not as good, but It's ED counterpart is too expensive for me at the moment. I can always upgrade later on. Locally, a similar package at CircuitCity or Ritz Camera would be over $1900 with tax, and $1700 after rebate!!
  • 03-13-2005, 02:15 PM
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    looks a good all-round package john.. get it purchased and start to enjoy it..

  • 03-16-2005, 06:01 PM
    John Masson
    Re: New Digi Camera - Minolta A200 or Olympus C8080?
    I ordered it, and it will be here Friday....Can't wait!!