
I have been looking to purchase a new backpack for myself and once again am having a hard time deciding which backpack to get.
I have been looking at this one, http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc..._Backpack.html. I have read the reviews, from this site, and it looks like it would fine my needs.
Then I seen a tread, I believe by Rick, that has me looking at this one, http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...ack_Gray_.html. About the same size but with the waterproof compartment.
So this is my dilemma, which of the two do I get? I am also open to other suggestions but would like to keep it to a backpack.
I am sure that someone could point me in the right direction. I am looking to purchase this along with other items within the next month.

Thanks in Advance,