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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2006

    Question Need help. Big time!!


    I am as you call a newbie to the World of DSLR and am struggling to make a choice on which cam to buy. I have Nikon D40 on mind since its the entry level SLR and all that. But I did see Lumix FZ50 and was amazed at the picture quality. Plus its cheaper and better spec'd. I know its like comparing apples and oranges, forgive me I am an amateur. But my question is.....

    Will a FZ50 with conversion lenses give me the same image quality as an DSLR?? For that matter Sony H5 also is lens adapter compatable. Can they do the job or is SLR the way to go?

    Help will be appreciated mates.


  2. #2
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    FWB, FL, USA

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    To some extent, the more glass you have in front of your film/sensor, the less image quality you will have.

    By using stacked lenses to change your focal length you will reduce the image quality to some extent. Will it be enough to warrant buying the more expensive SLR option? That is what you need to decide.

    My blog - Photography Rulez

    'Slim' - K10D and *ist DL w/ SMCP DA 70mm 2.4 Limited, SMCP-DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, SMC M 28mm f/2.8, SMC M 50mm f/1.7, and Tamron AF75-300mm f/4-5.6 LD Macro
    Slim of the Clan O'Canon - A1 w/ FD 28, 50, 70-210 & Sigma 500/1000 f8/f16

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    The main difference between a compact digital camera like the Panasonic FZ50 and a digital SLR is image quality. Digital SLRs have much larger pixels which collect better data. They will always have better image quality. Even my 5 year old, 4-megapixel EOS 1D will produce better-looking image files than the FZ50. Another are where digital SLRs excel is speed. They have larger built-in memory buffers and faster processors. That means that they have no noticeable shutter-lag, no noticeable pause between shots, and they can shoot many more frames before they have to start saving to the memory card. Advanced compact digital cameras like the Panasonic Lumix FZ50, Sony H5, and Canon S3 IS are very, very impressive. But they are no match for any digital SLR.

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!


    That helps a bit. DSlr it is then. Now which one do I choose as a starter. These are what I short listed.

    Nikon D40,
    Canon D400,
    Olympus E500 (comes with a free Zoom lens ;) ),
    Fujifil Fx 6500

    It's obvious from the choice that Im on a budget. I live in Dubai and we have this Shopping Festival goin on. It would be great if anyone could help me on this before its over, which is by Feb 2nd.


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    You'll find that there are a ton of members on this board that have each of those cameras. I use the Oly E-500 as it was my first DSLR camera and it was an excellent tool for learning on. I have used the Cannon 30D as well as the D400 and I was definitely impressed. My suggestion is this. IF you can get each of them in your hands and try them out go for the one that feels most comfortable in your hands. Figure out which on ehas the best feel for you , ease of use for settings changes, and you'll definitely make the best choice for you. Only you can decide which one is best for you.....and handling each of them and shooting with each of them will give you the best feel for which way to go.

    I went with the E500 because of how it fit in my hands. It is not a large bodied camera and the settings are easily adjusted withthe wheel or "d-pad" style controls. The fact that it came with a 150 Tele lens didn't hurt either. For me it was the feel of the camera and the "best bang for my buck" pricewise.
    Shooting with an Olympus Evolt E-510 and loving it

    Equipment list:
    Olympus Evolt E-3, E-620, E-500
    Olympus Zuiko 40 - 150 F4.0 - 5.6
    Olympus Zuiko 14 - 45 F 2.8 - 3.6
    Sigma 50 - 500 F 4.0 - 6.3
    Sigma 70 - 200 F2.8
    Olympus FL-38 Flash x2
    Vivitar 285 HV
    Better Beamer Flash Extender

    A Photographer that is fluent in Sarcasm.

  6. #6
    Member gryphonslair99's Avatar
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    If you are asking us what camera, you ARE NOT ready to buy a DSLR.

    First, decide what features you need/want. This will most likely be determined by what it is you want to shoot. Do some research on the different cameras you might be interested in. Then do some researh on the lenses, accessories etc for that camera. Then compare the cameras on you list. Here is a good place to do so.

    Once you have narrowed down your choices then go to a photography store and try out the cameras you are interested in. Hold them, get a feel for the controls, examine the potential lenses and accessories that you will want/need. Shoot some pictures with the cameras you decide you like. A good photography store will let you do so.

    The one we have here even has a computer and monitor set up to allow you to review the photos right then and there. Once you decide on what you want, then look for the best deal. With a DSLR you are not buying a camera, you are buying a system. Good glass, taken care of, will last a lifetime. DSLR bodies will come and go.

    Then look for the best deal you can afford.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    I most defnitely am not. That's why Im askin you guys. I took your advice, hauled my ass to the showrooms and checked 'em out. Loved Canon D 400, super cool. Tried Olympus, great again, especially with the huge lens and all, Fujifilm wasn't all that great, and Nikon are all out!!! No kiddin, not even display model. They are all sold out in 6 different malls!!

    I have filtered the choices to Canon D400 and Nikon which im yet to "feel". I'll see it and then decide i guess. I have a vague feeing that it will be love at first sight for D40 , but with all the talk about lenses is my future with it too bleak??

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    And yeah I do a lot of travelling. Most times I end up in desolate endless stretches of sands in arabia and Oman. Minimalistic photography is something I live for. So which of these can survive me?
    Nion D40
    Canon Rebel Xti

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    All over

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    Quote Originally Posted by imagenation
    And yeah I do a lot of travelling. Most times I end up in desolate endless stretches of sands in arabia and Oman. Minimalistic photography is something I live for. So which of these can survive me?
    Nion D40
    Canon Rebel Xti

    The XTI has dust removal which should come in handy in sandy places like you mention.
    Current gear:
    Canon 30D
    Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM EF Lens

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2006

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    Hey all!!

    Thanks for all your help. I just bought a Nikon D40. Yippie!!! Cool stuff, love the way it feels, good controls and dude it had dust reduction system thing too. Took some pics, some how I thought the wide angle is not wide enough and it refused to take pictures of clouds!!! Cant take pictures in low light either Well I guess I gotta learn more.


  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    I would recommend Canon 30D - but could you please tell me how much is Canon 30D at Dubai Shopping festival??? I wish to fly before it is over to get a Canon for myself.

    Thanx in advance

  12. #12
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Lebanon / The World

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    Like milhouse said, the Canon 400D has dust removal technology on the sensor, which where we live would have been a better choice....(never mind..i re-read and realized you said it had dust removal too )

    Since you are in love with your cam i suggest you now go buy a good bag for it.... a good seleciton would be at Wafi Mall....go up the stairs to your right, enter Salam, head for the photgraphy section, they have a wide selection of very good bagpacks.... and although you might be tempted to go for other stuff, i would suggest you look elsewhere, since they are a bit more expensive than other places.... but their bags are the best....

    As for the 30D at plug-ins it costs about: AED 6499 which translates roughly to $1780 US

    It comes with the 18-55mm lens.... I am not so sure if i can get you the prices from other shops..since i am kind of busy....but they won't differ much... some might throw in an extra 1GB card....


    The problem with Dubai is you never know when you get a great deal, DSF won't necessarily get you the best prices in all products.... Almost a year ago, it was after the DSF, i bought my 20D, with 18-55mm lens + 2x1GB cards + 1 Backpack (Trekker i think...dam i forgot...) + 90-300mm USM lens + 4GB card for a total of $2000 i think of it as a pretty good deal!! the backpack fits 2 cameras (i have my old EOS 300 in it....) oh and i also bought a multi-card reader and some filters for the film camera...

    All in the same price...

    "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery

    Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...

    My Ramblings....

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    Thank you for a great answer Marc!!

  14. #14
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Lebanon / The World

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    You're more than welcome... should you end up flying over at any time, do send me a private msg... i'll be glad to give you a tour of the shops never get enough of looking at gizmos

    "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery

    Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...

    My Ramblings....

  15. #15
    Member gryphonslair99's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    Quote Originally Posted by imagenation
    Hey all!!

    Thanks for all your help. I just bought a Nikon D40. Yippie!!! Cool stuff, love the way it feels, good controls and dude it had dust reduction system thing too. Took some pics, some how I thought the wide angle is not wide enough and it refused to take pictures of clouds!!! Cant take pictures in low light either Well I guess I gotta learn more.


    Very gald to see you bought the camera that you felt worked best for you. I am very confident that you will enjoy it for many years to come. You have bought into a system that is of high quality and vast.

    I hope my earlier commet did not seem harsh. One thing I have learned from the vast amount of posting of the question like yours is that there will be a lot of posts stating why a particular camera is the best thing since sliced bread. For the poster it may be, but for the perspective buyer it may not work at all. Too many times I have seen or heard people express their disatisfaction with what they bought on others advise. A camera bought and not used is a waste. A waste of equipment and a waste of potential photographer. It shows up every day in the But/Sell fourms. "I bought this lens and never use it. I bought this camera and only used it two times." With a little research most of these things will never happen. That is not to say that I have not done the same thing in my younger days. I have, and have since learned to do some real research whenever possible. Makes lifie with the wife a lot easier too.

  16. #16
    Junior Member
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    I would like to know, if you have any idea of how much nikon 24-70 mm f2.8 and 70-200 mm 2.8 in dubai.. i am planning to buy there during the DSF, but i dont know whether its cheaper here in switzerland.. i want to buy new as i want to take some good photographs in dubai and my current lens are already crappy... thanks

  17. #17
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Need help. Big time!!

    Hi, kenjsyama and welcome to the forums.
    This thread is a year old and I think it would work better if you started a new thread in the Help Forums to get a response. Label it in a way that will give the members what will be in the thread such as, "Dubai lens price question"
    Good luck!
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

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