Bought a digital camera 5 Megapixel...Hyundai HD 5020Q...has all advanced features.

Takes great pictures on its.. 8MB internal flash memory...Suggested MMC/SD for external memory.

Bought a stick of 512 PNY SD memory card...recognizes the card....indicates amount of exposures but will not snap any pictures...nor will the flash work with the memory card.

Battery power is not the problem...I also went to the format mode...I also checked the write protect mode...

once I take the card outeverything works fine...Installation of card not the problem..It recognizes the presence of the card...

Is it perhaps the camera?...Maybe that's why I got such a good buy on it?

I checked your 200 camera reviews...didn't even see Hyundai..although a recognizable consumer brand.

Any assistance will be appreciated ..a newby to digital photography