Born and raised in rural Kansas, she adores travel and has visited 20 countries so far. Sarah is the mother of two young children. By day she masquerades as a healthcare professional, while at night Sarah fulfills her life-long dream job of being a writer. Sarah began Mommin’ in the Real World shortly after the birth of her first child, using it as a sorely needed creative outlet. She has made it her mission to use her website to create a positive and supportive online community for parents, to encourage and inspire other women to make time for themselves and self-care a priority and to act as a voice for those in society who aren’t being heard.

She has always been a creative soul with an overactive imagination, scribbling notes for a story or drawing on scraps of paper. Sarah is a self-described sci-fi and fantasy nerd and a fan of all things Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Wonder Woman, and more. She loves attending concerts and Comic Cons. Her love of coffee and chocolate is only rivaled by her love of books and desire for her children to begin to sleep late in the morning. When not writing, painting, or busy with family she can often be found daydreaming of living in southern France in a home near the seashore.

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