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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Memory Card Transfer Problem

    Hoping someone may have had his happen and can shed some light on this...

    I reformatted my Lexar 40X memory card, shot 148 raw images, turned off my camera and removed the card as usual. Uploaded the images to my Mac. Upon transfer the system showed that there were 308 images on the card, which there should not have been. After the transfer I was able to only view a few images, while all the rest are unrecognized formats. I put the card back into my camera to review the images, but the camera then displayed that there are no images on the card. I have not had this happen using my other two cards, while using the same methods.

    Has anyone else experienced something similar? Just a bad card? Any way to recover the images from my system?

    If it mattters, I am using a Lexar 40X 1 GB card w/ a Lexar card reader, Nikon D2H camera, and a Mac system.

    Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Ocklawaha, Florida USA
    Quote Originally Posted by triphop
    Hoping someone may have had his happen and can shed some light on this...

    I reformatted my Lexar 40X memory card, shot 148 raw images, turned off my camera and removed the card as usual. Uploaded the images to my Mac. Upon transfer the system showed that there were 308 images on the card, which there should not have been. After the transfer I was able to only view a few images, while all the rest are unrecognized formats.
    Has anyone else experienced something similar? Just a bad card? Any way to recover the images from my system?

    If it mattters, I am using a Lexar 40X 1 GB card w/ a Lexar card reader, Nikon D2H camera, and a Mac system.

    Thanks for any help!

    Saw this on - dunno if it can apply to your setup or not?

    "Lexar has recently identified a rare compatibility issue
    between some of their 32x and 40x Professional Series
    CompactFlash cards and Nikon D1x & D1h cameras."


  3. #3
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Chicago Suburbs

    Did you format in camera or using your Mac?

    Yes, you can recover the images using the Photorescue software that came with the Lexar.

    My website

    (Please don't edit and repost my images without my permission. Thank you)

    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

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