Hello! Just registered a few minutes ago.
I'm going to purchase a digital camera. Wanted one for awhile and I finally got my Federal, so I'm gonna get one.
What I want one for is something simple to use as I'm totally new, but with enough features that I won't out-grow it. Something with good picture quality, but not too expensive. I have USB and 1394 ports.
With my research, I've found one that looks like a very good candidate - Canon Powershot A70.
The one I found was for $190.00 USD. Great price I know, but it's refurbished. Now, I'm somewhat hesitant to buy refurbished as I've never done before, but they also had a paackage deal with it - for $300.00 total and free shipping I would get the cam, 4 2000mHr batteries and a charger, carrying case, cleaning kit, 128MB Flash RAM and a screen protector.
Personally, with the reviews I've read about the Powershot A70, that combo is a STEAL!
What I want from you fellas is to know if this really is such a good deal and if it is, would you reccommend it? Thanks!
Oh, BTW, here's the link to the site ---> http://electricsam.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=CANA70RBK1
EDIT: I could get a brand new one with the same kit for $349.00 - but if there's not much difference between buying refurb or new, then I'd go with refurb.