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  1. #1
    Member realart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    San Francisco, CA USA

    Lumix FZ38 - thoughts or alternatives?

    Well I have decided to sell my D90 and lenses go with one of the "super-zoom" digital cameras. Main thing is that I am a musician at heart and my new instrument finally arrived after 2 1/2 years in the making. And I have to dedicate myself to that and also need extra $$$ (still unemployed since April 2008 - scary).

    So I have been looking at the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ38.

    Also been looking at Canon and Nikon counterparts. Seems in the longer FLs the Lumix has some nice in-camera shenanigans to deal with fringing.

    I would truly appreciate any opinions or first hand experience with the Lumix or its counterparts and also any other real possibilities. I know I am compromising here but music must take precedence over photography.

    As far as what kind of photography - really anything from street candids to nature.

    I don't expect to see a lot of replies here but anything based on experience would be appreciated!

    Thanks so much...Michael

    PS - a few quick grabs of the new instrument sans any kind of lighting etc.

    ...Michael ... ("Realart" is not a reflection of my photography. It is the company that re-released the great old Universal horror films in the 1950's.)

  2. #2
    Member realart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    San Francisco, CA USA

    Re: Lumix FZ38 - thoughts or alternatives?

    40 views and no thoughts. I know I am still a newbie here but ... ::sigh::
    ...Michael ... ("Realart" is not a reflection of my photography. It is the company that re-released the great old Universal horror films in the 1950's.)

  3. #3
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Lumix FZ38 - thoughts or alternatives?

    I`m not expert at all...but before before getting my Oly E-420 I was really tempted on the Lumix series.....those Leica lenses are incredible. At that time I was aiming at a all of the review of it and I got to the conclusion that IMO that is the best point and shoot out there. The new model that you mention should be on the same line.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Lumix FZ38 - thoughts or alternatives?

    I recently brought the Panasonic 12mp Lumiz FZ38, and i am beginning to regret it not only did it cost me a 325 pound, The picture Quality isnt even that great, Let me put it this way my old old camera was a Samsung 10mp (which only cost me 90 pounds) it was a standard digital camera nothing fancy about it and that took quality photos 100% clearer the detail in the photos was 100%better to. I have spent the last couple of days trying to sus out the settings iv played about with the ISO also the contrast colour sharpness ect ect and still no better, (What im saying is there is a noise in the pictures and with my old samsung there was no noise in the photos)
    I would of thought that for the price i paid the photos would look half decent atleast and i thought 12mp would of shown a little difference compared to a 12mp seems i was fooled.

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