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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Looking for a video/photo P&S

    Hi everyone. I am a long time photography love and have enjoyed the canon EOS system for many years. Recently I have noticed that I often wish I had one of those silly P&S cameras that I can slip in my pocket and carry around when I'm out and about. The Canon stuff is just too big for me to want to bring it along most of the time, and when I do I am overloaded with requests to take pictures. Sometimes I just want to enjoy myself and not be the "photographer".

    Anyway, enough of my rant. What I am looking for is fairly specific and I apologize if it looks like I want everything without paying for it. I have found that good glass plus a decent camera can take fantastic pictures. I do not need top of the line $1000 equipment to take great pictures. Expensive equipment helps, but without an eye for it, money buys nothing.

    Therefor here is my criteria based on a $200 budget
    -Decent picture quality (doesn't have to compair with EOS, just good pictures)
    -Hd video (720 is fine, 1080 better)
    -Manual controls (I am a photographer at heart)

    I don't want a 2009 model camera...obviously with the $200 budget. I guess I am wondering if anyone out there in P&S land knows of a decent camera that can take good HD video and has manual controls for around $200. I don't need 15MP or 8fps or "in camera" cropping. Just a solid video/photo camera.

    Thanks for any help. I appreciate it.
    Tim Swaback (if anyone might be interested)

  2. #2
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Looking for a video/photo P&S

    Well, the tricky part of your request is: "manual controls". Then it's HD video at <= $200.

    Don't know one but, just keep looking.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Looking for a video/photo P&S

    I guess I'm willing to compromise. I suppose I worded my post wrong. My question is what are the models with the lowest price? I found the canon SD780 IS for around $200 but it seems to be lacking manual controls.

    What other HD capable P&S's are in the $200 range?

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