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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Looking for a DSLR Camera

    Sorry for starting a new thread that I'm sure you all have seen many, many (many) times in the past but, while I have been reading camera reviews and doing my own research it is still going over my head a bit and actually having a conversation with people would help me out quite a bit.

    I'm looking to purchase a dslr for my girlfriend. She really enjoys photography (took a class on it 5 years ago or so) but is still using a point and shoot camera. She wants to upgrade before we move overseas again in a year and a half or so so I figured buying her one now would give her plenty of time to learn how to use it, upgrade from the kit lens, etc.

    It would be used primarily for landscapes, wildlife, and travel. We go interior camping quite often, so I do not want to purchase anything that must be handled with kid gloves.

    I do not expect any of our pictures to be blown up poster size, most would remain on the computer, on websites, or, if printed out, then regular photo size. As such, i understand that megapixels are not a big deal and that more megapixels may actually result in worse photos due to noise(?).

    One that uses SD cards would be much preferred as we already have quite a few of those and our current point and shoot camera, as well as our camcorder, uses them.

    Image stablization of some sort would be preffered.

    Also, as we will be using it for camping and travelling, some sort of dust protection or self-cleaning would seem a must.

    I am looking to spend a maximum of $550 for body and kit lens, preferably less.

    Is it worth purchasing a used camera, or are the prices close enough to newly purchased models that it isnot worth the danger of ending up with a damaged model with no warranty?

    Thank you all for your help, I appreciate it.

    William Young

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Looking for a DSLR Camera

    $550 Canadian, by the way.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Looking for a DSLR Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamYoung
    Sorry for starting a new thread that I'm sure you all have seen many, many (many) times in the past but, while I have been reading camera reviews and doing my own research it is still going over my head a bit and actually having a conversation with people would help me out quite a bit.

    I'm looking to purchase a dslr for my girlfriend. She really enjoys photography (took a class on it 5 years ago or so) but is still using a point and shoot camera. She wants to upgrade before we move overseas again in a year and a half or so so I figured buying her one now would give her plenty of time to learn how to use it, upgrade from the kit lens, etc.

    It would be used primarily for landscapes, wildlife, and travel. We go interior camping quite often, so I do not want to purchase anything that must be handled with kid gloves.

    I do not expect any of our pictures to be blown up poster size, most would remain on the computer, on websites, or, if printed out, then regular photo size. As such, i understand that megapixels are not a big deal and that more megapixels may actually result in worse photos due to noise(?).

    One that uses SD cards would be much preferred as we already have quite a few of those and our current point and shoot camera, as well as our camcorder, uses them.

    Image stablization of some sort would be preffered.

    Also, as we will be using it for camping and travelling, some sort of dust protection or self-cleaning would seem a must.

    I am looking to spend a maximum of $550 for body and kit lens, preferably less.

    Is it worth purchasing a used camera, or are the prices close enough to newly purchased models that it isnot worth the danger of ending up with a damaged model with no warranty?

    Thank you all for your help, I appreciate it.

    William Young
    Don't get a SLR.
    Get a Cybershot or Canon similar camera with 8 or more MP and Optical zoom 5
    Small camera for easy carrying.
    If you look at the LCD you are looking at the image which the SLR does with the view finder.
    The cameras now with viewfinders and LCD don't have much of a paralex problem when looking through the viewfinder. If you want to buy expensive lenses to attach then get a big camera SLR and forget portabality.

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