Interested in a linear combination scale?
Smart Weigh's linear combination weigher combines the technologies of both linear and combination weighers in order to provide an efficient weighing process. This system uses linear screw feeders to move otherwise non-free-flowing products, making it ideal for wet/sticky items. It is mainly applying in semi-auto or auto weighing fresh/frozen meat, fish, chicken. Smart weighs combination scale manufacturers offer a wide range of extremely accurate, high-performance multi head combination weigher and combination scale. Providing a perfect weighing packaging solution for every application.
Smart Weigh Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd is a reputable manufacturer in the design, manufacture, and installation of multi-head weigher, linear multi-head weigher, check weigher, a metal detector with high speed and high accuracy and also provides complete weighing and packing line solutions to meet the various customized requirements. Established since 2012, Smart Weigh Pack appreciates and comprehends the challenges faced by food manufacturers. Working closely with all partners, Smart Weigh Pack uses its unique expertise and experience to develop advanced automated systems for weighing, packing, labeling, and handling of food and non-food products.