After doing extensive research I had basically decided to pick the Canon S50 as my new digicam. The main reasons for choosing the S50 were that I would be able to use an 1GB microdrive that had been laying around unused and the ability to use basic point-and-shoot or manual settings when necesarry, but when I went to the local mom and pop digicam shop I did not like the size (too large) and feel of the S50. So I'm basically pondering if I should wait for the succesor of the S50 (hoping for a redesign and smaller size), buy the S50 and take the size for granted or just pay some extra bucks and buy the G5 (as the size difference of the S50 vs G5 would not be that big a factor anymore). Of course as I have sold my previous cam I am looking for a replacement in a hurry. As the S50 is more than a year old, how likely is it that a successor would be introduced anytime soon (like within the next month or so)?