This article is going to cover everything you could need to know about drying your keyboard. Why you need to dry it, how you should dry it, what happens if you fail to dry it properly, and most importantly how to dry the various liquids that inevitably end up in the cracks and crevices of your keyboard.

If you spill coffee, water, beer, or any other liquid on your keyboard and need to dry it, the first thing you should do is get it unplugged. Flip the keyboard upside down to avoid the liquid going deeper towards the PCB. For any liquids other than water, do a thorough wipe down to remove any other debris.

None of us are perfect, we all spill from time to time. As someone who has spilled everything from beer to coffee in their keyboard, I can assure you I know how to deal with a very specific type of spill that can save your keyboard from a very nasty death.

I started this website in 2020 and work on it every day. I will admit I’m nowhere near an expert when it comes to blogging or computers. So why then do I have a website on computer keyboards?