I take pictures of my daughter's gymnastics meets. Flash photography is prohibited, not that I could get close enough for a flash to work anyway. I asked a few questions on another thread and got some good info. SO, I though maybe I should ask what features would be most desired.
I'm looking to get good shots of pretty poses in her routines rather than trying to stop fast action. I'm not usually very close so I like to use a lot of zoom to get her to fill the screen. The gyms are average to low lighting (I think). None ever seem to be really bright. I print the pictures in 4*6, 5*7 or 8*10 and sometimes crop them a little to make them more interesting.
I had an ancient Sony Cybershot (2.1MP) that took great pictures and could zoom all the way and not give me shake warnings. I'd use it today if the battery still worked. Okay and if it could recover faster to take the next shot. Yes, I could replace it but at $60, shouldn't I consider upgrading by now? I now use a Canon A540. It does outside kid pictures great, but even indoors WITH the flash I get shake warning. I have it set to aperature priority. That helps somewhat, but is inadequate for no flash zoom.
ISO - how high should I try to get?
Image stabilization - are they all created equal?
should I look for low fstops? Would that really be useful for what i want?
Any recommendations for a specific camera would be great, older models are fine too. Price is an issue. I'd like to stay under $250, yea, I know, that makes it tough.