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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    I'm going camera hunting and I need HELP!

    Hi all, I've been checking out the posts, and there is lots of excellent ideas on this forum! I am currently looking to upgrade my Canon A570IS. I love it, but am wanting more zoom and faster shutter speed. I would like to spend no more than 350.00. The most important issues are:
    1. Fast shutter (the A570IS is slow! )
    2. High optical zoom
    3. Excellent image quality.
    4. Pocket or Pocketbook size

    I've been thinking about the Canon SX110 IS and the Canon A2000 IS and would love to hear what you folks think about them, or any other camera that you think would "fit the bill". Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: I'm going camera hunting and I need HELP!

    get the sx100 - the sx110 is a pathetic copy with one extra megapixel and a tiny bit more zoom - that's it, it doesnt have better quality at all.

    if you can afford it buy a g9 or a g10

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    What Will You Be Shooting?

    I took a closer look at the cameras you mentioned, and it seems that Kajuah is correct - the Canon PowerShot SX110 IS appears to be a warmed over version of the previous model. It has the same DIGIC III processor and more resolution. That means more pixels to process and it's actually likely to be slower than the SX100 IS. Your A570 IS also has the same DIGIC III processor, so I don't know if switching to another PowerShot model is going to do the trick for you - unless you step up to one of the just-announced cameras that have the new DIGIC 4 processor. The Canon PowerShot G10 is one of those cameras, and it is a beauty. I haven't tried it myself yet, so I don't know how quick it is, though. I reviewed the Canon PowerShot G9 (Canon PowerShot G9 Pro Review)about a year ago and I thought it was a bit on the slow side. But otherwise, the image quality and performance were excellent.

    It might help if you tell us more about what you're trying to take pictures of. Sometimes, improving your technique can go much farther than upgrading your camera. I shoot a lot of action with all kinds of cameras and can usually get good shots no matter what camera I'm using. The trick is knowing how the camera works and not having unrealistic expectations. I wrote an article on this subject that might help you get good photos from your A570 IS:

    Point-And-Shoot Digital Camera Tips >>

    You may also be ready to take a look at a digital SLR. If your biggest problem is shutter-lag, then a digital SLR will eliminate that problem. They cost more, but it may be worth the investment in the long run.

    I know I didn't really annswer your question here. But sometimes it's better for us to get some more information and give you some more information before we start making recommendations. Like I said earlier, improving your technique is sometimes the best solution

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: I'm going camera hunting and I need HELP!

    The SX100IS will have a better aperture range throughout its zoom than the A570IS, meaning a more consistent performance across the range of its zoom, with faster lens capabilities. If its between those two I agree with Kaj, the SX100IS hands down.

    For what its worth - if that 'pocket or pocketbook size' qualification were not a requirement, or even held little priority, your options widen quite a bit - and you can gain on speed, image quality and zoom range altogether. How crucial is the size aspect to you, and what is the largest size you could see your self going? Is the size of the 2 cameras you mentioned pretty much the biggest you are wanting to go?

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: I'm going camera hunting and I need HELP!

    Wow, I appreciate all the excellent comments! I hadn't thought about the sx100, I'll have to check it out.
    Photo-John I loved your articles, I read you review of the G9, and the point and shoot tips. I am going to spend some time "playing" with the setting of my A570IS. You had asked what I was taking pictures of. Mainly my camera is for social snapping...friends and family at parties, holidays, get togethers, but also for kids activities (baseball games, football games, band events.) I am often on the sidelines or in the stands with a camera. I am going to try some of the techniques you talked about in your tips, especially flash and panning! The main reasons I am looking for a new camera is my daughter is going on a band trip, and I am giving her my A570 (I know I could buy her the new camera, I get the new one :wink5: ). My husband has a DSLR, the fuji finepix S9000 that he uses. I am looking for something a little more convenient to carry. I don't really care if the camera is super small, but would like one I don't get a hernia from when it hangs around my neck! I also noticed I only listed Canon cameras in my first post, I am willing to go with other brands as well. I guess the only stipulation I am stuck with is the price, up to 375.00. Thanks again!

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