Sports betting is a big moneymaker for sportsbooks, casinos, and handicappers of all stripes—and these businesses are in it to win it. They spend incredible amounts of time and money to gather all the data they can to help them win as often as possible. But don’t be intimidated—you can do your research. Learn everything you can about the teams and the sport. Use Twitter to gain insight on lines and bone up on all the analysis you can. Be sure to understand your stats, too: your winning percentage, units, and ROI. This bit might seem a little tedious, but time spent on research will help protect your bankroll.
As in any gold rush-type scenario, con artists abound, just waiting to prey on newbies. In the sports betting world, these guys are called “,” and they’re often found on Instagram. Be smart and avoid them with a few simple tips. Watch out for accounts with no verifiable win/loss records, an obsession with showing their high-roller lifestyle, and promises of “guaranteed wins.” A lack of user comments or reviews is also a big red flag.
Most online betting sites are always on the hunt for new customers, and many offer special sign-up bonuses you can tap into to extend your bets and help defray your losses. Don’t shy away from enrolling in loyalty programs, as these sites often reward repeat customers with special offers. Of course, you have favourite teams, but limiting your betting to wagers that favour them can prove disastrous. Betting is all about the cold, hard numbers. Keep that in mind to ensure you’re betting with your head and not your heart. Feel free to bet your favorites, from time to time, but be smart about it.
Know that lines shift constantly due to random new information, betting action, weather, you name it. Don’t fall into the trap of believing they indicate outcomes. Books want as many people betting on both sides as possible, and lines are all about encouraging that tension. Pretty self-explanatory, right? Experts agree that chasing your losses in an attempt to recover is a surefire way to end up in serious trouble. Try to think of each bet as separate from the last one and the next one.