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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2006

    The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    Newbie here!

    I am a 22 year old in Ohio who is attending her second concert in Columbus on May 2nd. (The Black Eyed Peas) I would love to capture the moments, and take pictures at the concert, then upload them to my online photo album. The last concert I went to, my disposable camera was found at the door, and alas, I had to return it to the car. Imagine my anger, and astonishment, when I saw other shutterbugs capturing the moment, unbothered by security. How did they manage to sneak their camera in? If it was such a big deal at the door, why weren't the security officers looking the other way indoors?

    I have a Kodak DX4530, and since it's a bit bulky, sneaking it unnoticed inside my purse is not an option. I was thinking of hiding it under my clothes, or perhaps getting a disposalbe one with zoom, although I'd much prefer my Kodak.

    I just think the whole idea of banning cameras (non-professional) is a bit silly. I suppose they're worried about people making profits off of the photos, but still...and if they're so worried about cameras, what does that say about camera phones?

    So, for those of you that have managed to sneak your cam in, what's the secret? If I take any shots, flash off, do you think security will really matter? Any & all suggestions are welcome.

  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    Quote Originally Posted by pcbrookie83
    I just think the whole idea of banning cameras (non-professional) is a bit silly. I suppose they're worried about people making profits off of the photos, but still...and if they're so worried about cameras, what does that say about camera phones?
    It's a rule that's only enforceable to a certain amount. I've seen people shooting with cameras that they got past security only to be escorted out of the show. The little flash going off only shows security where they're sitting... Photo access is strictly limited, and it's almost impossible to get a pass unless you hired by a newspaper, etc. Even then, the first three songs only and no flash are standard rules.

    Musicians are probably the most paranoid about this stuff - but it has a lot to do with the promoters too. I've never felt that I could get a decent shot from where I sat at any concert I've been to, and trying it wasn't worth the risk.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    Out of all the concerts Ive been to, I was only stopped once from taking pictures. (They had posted No Flash Photography notices all over the place, which surprisingly I missed. I just simply put my camera away) These days it is very hard to enforce the no camera policies especially w/the camera cell phones.
    A concert ticket might clearly state "No Cameras Allowed", or the venue's website might list that cameras are prohibited, but rarely is it enforced. And even if you call in and they specifically tell you no cameras are allowed, Ive never seen anyone reprimanded for bringing one. But I've seen security guards happily take pictures for concert-goers.
    That and 100s of cameras aimed towards the stage.

    Girls can get away easily w/sneaking in cameras.
    Here's a # of ways:
    Wear a sportsbra and tuck your camera in there.
    Hide it in the hood of a hoodie
    Ducttape the camera to your ankle
    Hide the camera behind your belt buckle if its small enough
    Stash your camera in a small bag w/feminine products.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    Over the summer i went to my first concert and there was all of these no cameras notices everywhere on the website and tickets. When my friends and i got seperated into lines to enter we were all patted down. I went to a diffrent line and the person in front of me tried bringing in a camera and the security guard would not let her in and told her to go hide it in the bushes. When it was my turn she patted me down very throughly and made sure that she didnt miss a single spot. My friends had much better luck in the other line and said that their guard hardly even touched them and she didnt even check their bags. So my tip would be if you have a choice, to watch the security to see with guards are being less through and try your luck with them.

  5. #5
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    By buying a ticket to a concert that does not allow cameras/photography you are agreeing to the rules set forth and should not take a camera unless of course you don't care what's right and wrong.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2007

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    Last concert I attended, everyone was video recording it with their cell phones. Granted, the quality is poor, but too many objects have cameras these days.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2008

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    Quote Originally Posted by clothesminded
    Girls can get away easily w/sneaking in cameras.
    Here's a # of ways:
    Wear a sportsbra and tuck your camera in there.
    Hide it in the hood of a hoodie
    Ducttape the camera to your ankle
    Hide the camera behind your belt buckle if its small enough
    Stash your camera in a small bag w/feminine products.
    These are good suggestions.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: The How of Sneaking a Camera Into a Concert?

    The post reminded me about small and invisible Blinks cameras and their excellent blink home customer service , huh. Happily, one can use his smartphone camera at the concert today, but I almost never do that, I just want to enjoy the music.

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