hello all,
I'm a soon-to-be college freshman at the University of Washington. with some of my graduation, i thought that buying a digital camera would be a nice luxury. I've kinda been lookin around, researching here and there...and i am pretty sure i want a compact camera--i am willing to sacrfice some picture quality for portability and on-the-spot usage. the 3.2MP to 4.xx MP range seems to suffice. I've found the Pentax Optio S4/S40/S4i set to be attractive, but i have heard that the picture quality is poor. also, the Canon Exilim Z4U/Z40 is nice. I also, however, like the Nikon Coolpix 3200/4300 cameras. out of these cameras, which yields the highest quality-to-size? as a kid who wants to point-and-shoot, is the quality of the Optios going to be good enough? Any help would be awesome. thanks everyone.