Hello all, welcome to.... Ooops, that's your line.
Hi photo type people. Hope all is well. This is my first post here as I'm sure you can see. I am a semi-long member of Audio Review. Ericl & JohnMichael both suggested that I post my request here. So here goes. Please be gentle.
Who makes a good point and shoot camera?
I am hoping that you can help me pick out a camera. I am a total beginner so I'm looking for something small to point and shoot and still get good pics. There are a few models that I'm looking at. Do you know much about these? Is there something else I should take a peak at in this range? Looking to spend $300 - 400 unless a lot more can be had for very little extra. It needs to be very small or I just won't bother to carry it. It's gotta almost take the pictures for me or they won't come out clear. I like zoom but not digi-zoom. Here are the one's I've been peaking at:
Olympus Stylus 1000 10 megapix seems like overkill. Stabilization is a program that changes shutter speeds & helps correct it later. (not a true Stabilization?) Only 3x zoom
Olympus Stylus 750 7.1 meg seems like plenty. A little fuzzy on the Stabilization on this one. 5x zoom...
Canon Powershot SD800 IS 7.1 meg again. Stabilization, 3.8x
Canon Powershot SD900 10 meg!, no stabilization? What the...?
Does anybody know how to help a complete nube? Are any of these good? Are any of them lemons? Remember to keep it simple for me.