Hi all, I'm new
So basically, I've never owned a proper camera, and feel its time I should get one, as I've always wanted one, and there have been so many times when I was out and said to myself "damn, thats a beautiful scene I wish I had a camera"
So I was looking at this camera here - http://www.komplett.ie/k/ki.aspx?sku...ed#ProductTabs I was thinking of it because, it has relatively high optical zoom and pixels, as well s HD recording!
Now I would be using this camera lot in concerts and gigs (eg. dimly lit or dark areas) I understand this is where ISO comes into it, but for the life of me I have know idea about it, would this camera be suitable for taking gig photos?
If not what camera would you reccomend for me, for say around €300 preferably less!
Any help you can give would be fantastic
Many thanks,