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  1. #1
    Liz is offline
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    First Panasonic FZ3 pics

    These aren't the best photos because I was just trying out the camera. Straight out of the box after charging battery on auto. I just wanted to see what the camera could do before reading the manual or trying to get a good pic. I was pleasantly surprised - for a $270 camera with IS and Leica lens. On PSE I changed image size, cropped and sharpened once.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Panasonic FZ3 pics-pana360int.jpg   First Panasonic FZ3 pics-panabooksint.jpg   First Panasonic FZ3 pics-panakit.jpg   First Panasonic FZ3 pics-panakittyclose.jpg  

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Those Look Great!

    Those photos look great! I especially like the photo of the books. The tonal range and color look excellent. I've been very impressed with what Panasonic has been doing with their digital cameras. I think they've begun to carve out a nice niche for themselves. And as more people take notice, they're going to start taking a bite out of Kodak, Olympus, Canon, and Sony.

    Looking forward to seeing more from this camera. Please make sure to post a review when you're ready. And upload some photos to the gallery so we have some searchable samples.

    Congratulations. That's a very nice new toy!

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  3. #3
    Liz is offline
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    Re: Those Look Great!

    Thanks! I'm going on retreat for a week beginning Thursday - hopefully I'll get some shooting done too. I'll be sure to post some in the gallery. I'll be happy to write a review too.

    BTW this toy only weighs 10 oz including battery. ;)


    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    Those photos look great! I especially like the photo of the books. The tonal range and color look excellent. I've been very impressed with what Panasonic has been doing with their digital cameras. I think they've begun to carve out a nice niche for themselves. And as more people take notice, they're going to start taking a bite out of Kodak, Olympus, Canon, and Sony.

    Looking forward to seeing more from this camera. Please make sure to post a review when you're ready. And upload some photos to the gallery so we have some searchable samples.

    Congratulations. That's a very nice new toy!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Those Look Great!

    one piece of advice Liz.. try and use that nice lense to get close enough so as u dont have to crop overly much to produce the finished result.. this wont show up in down-sized web images but i think its important..

    when u have less pixels to start with (compared to your other camera) its more important to frame the pictures correctly in the first place..

    just a thought and purely personal but i get the impression that a lot of the pictures posted for "critique" rely a little too much on cropping as opposed to framing the image correctly in the first place..

    basically when u dont have pixels to spare u have to make the best use of the ones u have..


  5. #5
    Liz is offline
    Moderator Emeritus Liz's Avatar
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    Re: Those Look Great!

    Good advice - and I learned something. Thanks. I do tend to crop a bit vs getting closer. I think I'm afraid of camera shake. At any rate, this was the first try - right out of the box, let's see what it can do - try.


    Quote Originally Posted by trog100
    one piece of advice Liz.. try and use that nice lense to get close enough so as u dont have to crop overly much to produce the finished result.. this wont show up in down-sized web images but i think its important..

    when u have less pixels to start with (compared to your other camera) its more important to frame the pictures correctly in the first place..

    just a thought and purely personal but i get the impression that a lot of the pictures posted for "critique" rely a little too much on cropping as opposed to framing the image correctly in the first place..

    basically when u dont have pixels to spare u have to make the best use of the ones u have..


  6. #6
    Erstwhile Vagabond armed with camera Lionheart's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: First Panasonic FZ3 pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Liz
    These aren't the best photos because I was just trying out the camera. Straight out of the box after charging battery on auto. I just wanted to see what the camera could do before reading the manual or trying to get a good pic. I was pleasantly surprised - for a $270 camera with IS and Leica lens. On PSE I changed image size, cropped and sharpened once.

    Wow. These look great. $270, wow. My patient coordinator has been hinting at getting a digital camera for her birthday next month and I have been looking for something in the Canon lineup, but this one looks really great.Thanks for posting and sharing. I've got a new lead to follow for a birthday gift.
    You know, Panasonic makes really great products, from audio, video and now computers and cameras. I'm really happy with my Panasonic CF-W2 laptop. It's 2.6 lbs., gets a minimum of 4 hours of life even with a wireless card and CD drive in use, and I've gotten 8 hours of life in the car with a GPS attached. And now I see that they make great cameras too.
    Seek the Son and the shadows fall behind you.

    slowly inching to 2000

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  7. #7
    Liz is offline
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    New Jersey

    Re: First Panasonic FZ3 pics


    It's that Leica 420mm Lens! ;)

    BTW, I got mine at Circuit City online - the $270 includes the $30 gift certificate for purchasing by phone after checking online. Otherwise their price is $300 after a $50 rebate. However, you can get the camera for about $300 elsewhere. The rebate is stricly Circuit City.


    Quote Originally Posted by Lionheart
    Wow. These look great. $270, wow. My patient coordinator has been hinting at getting a digital camera for her birthday next month and I have been looking for something in the Canon lineup, but this one looks really great.Thanks for posting and sharing. I've got a new lead to follow for a birthday gift.
    You know, Panasonic makes really great products, from audio, video and now computers and cameras. I'm really happy with my Panasonic CF-W2 laptop. It's 2.6 lbs., gets a minimum of 4 hours of life even with a wireless card and CD drive in use, and I've gotten 8 hours of life in the car with a GPS attached. And now I see that they make great cameras too.

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