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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

    The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    Ok this question has been asked many times, from reviews to forums. Do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00.

    I am aware of the “look and feel”, and “its all about the type of photography I will be shooting”, bla bla.

    What I am looking for is:

    - a camera that will last some time - quality
    - something I will not grow out of for some time – I do not want to be limited as my photography skills advance due to the camera
    - market life – not going to be replaced in a week
    - speed – for sports
    - all-round coolness – it’s a toy, any way you look at it, its got to be cool

    My research has shown the pros and cons personally for the XSI $799.00 cdn Kit:

    - small form factor
    - $799.99 for body, crapy 18-55mm lens, grip, canon bag, extra battery, ect.
    - frees up cash for better glass
    - sdhc cards, I have over 22 gigs worth already

    - basic entry level, I might and probably will grow out of fast
    - crapy lens that comes with the kit
    - slow shutter speed
    - not much cool factor, im a toy guy it has to have cool factor

    My research has shown the pros and cons personally for the Canon EOS 40D 10.1MP DSLR Camera With 28-135mm IS USM Lens Kit $1349.00 cdn :

    - weather resistant
    - bigger form factor – still fine I can handle it
    - better controls
    - faster
    - awesome lens

    - rumor that it will be taken out of sale due to 50D or just simply time. however canons release of the 50D explains it will not be removed but run in conjunction with the 50D
    - no grip

    My research has shown the pros and cons personally for the Canon EOS 50D 15.1MP SLR Digital Camera With 17-85mm IS Lens Kit $1599.00 cdn:

    - all of 40D plus some
    - decent lens
    - newer than 40D and rumored to take over the 40D

    - Price is aprox 200 more than the 40D

    This is a rough super quick pros and cons.

    From my thoughts I am scared of the XSI mainly incase I advance quicker than the camera and the speed people say is not par for sports. The 40D I am scared of due to the whole 50D replacement thing, why buy a 2006 car for $200 less than the 2009 model for $200 more. The 50D is a “do I really need this” when the 40D will be just fine.

    So now I understand why all the people in the forums torn beside this issue are pulling out their hair. Im already bald so no worry there but i just simply cannot make up my mind so here I am.

  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    Can't help much, sorry - toss a coin for the 40/50 D ?

    Logically the 40D, spend around $60 on the 50mnm f/1.8 II lens, pocket the rest?

    Personally I don't think any kit lenses are awesome, but I'm comparing them to the 24-70 L or 70-200 L IS, both f/2.8 so it's perhaps not a fair comparison

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Re: The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    Hmmm, what would I buy with a budget of $2000? I'd go for the 40D, cause it's less expensive, nix the kit lens and use the extra $$ saved on a newer/better/don't have it want it lens.

    The other thing I consider is that an extra $250 bucks on the price means a bigger heartbreak on the final cost.

    Then there's the other gear that eventually needs to be added to your bag. By the end of the year, it can really add up to more than you thought you'd spend.

    Re durability - If you are buying either camera new (vs used), I imagine either will last equally long. By now any issues with the 40D will be easy to research.

    It really sounds like you've made up your mind to get either the 40 or 50D. So unless you're spending next month's rent to get it (vs buying what you can afford), I think SmartWombat has a coin to lend to to help with your choice.

    FWIT, I bought my XT new a year after the XTi was introduced; I haven't outgrown/outlearned it yet, though I'm envious of what I've heard/seen of the 40D's ability in low light. Aside from that, I'm happy with my gear (ok, would like full frame but who wouldn't?) Then again, I still use my p&s when I don't want to haul a large camera around. I'd probably need a crane to help me steady my 70-200 on a 40D body!

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    granby mass

    Re: The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    I bought an xsi before christmas spent about 3 weeks with it liked it a lot but I felt like I needed more. The low light was a little dissapointing, the camera is very nice overal esp for the price.The 40d is at the next level and a great buy for the money, I saw that the 40d has come down in price so I returned the xsi but now Im looking at some of the offerings from nikon aw well. The jouney continues.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2009
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

    Re: The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    see its such a tossup, and yes im leaning towards the 40d/50d. especially for the kit with lens. stupid camera store guy let me throw a 70-200 is on, grr... $1400 lens, omg what a amazing shot. anyway to the 40/50d im having a hard time with the whole 40d discontinued thing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    granby mass

    Re: The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    Quote Originally Posted by mikelarocque
    see its such a tossup, and yes im leaning towards the 40d/50d. especially for the kit with lens. stupid camera store guy let me throw a 70-200 is on, grr... $1400 lens, omg what a amazing shot. anyway to the 40/50d im having a hard time with the whole 40d discontinued thing.

    I hear ya, but keep in mind with this whole fast moving technology thing the 50d could be on the liquidating shelf in six months with the 60d knocking at the door. I have to keep reminding myself of that too, like you said putting on great glass is what makes more of a difference. Go for the 40d and spend the xtra on glass.

    good luck, bob

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    granby mass

    Re: The Famous Question do I buy the XSI, 40D or the 50D. Budget $2000.00

    B&H has the 40d body for 800 skip the kit lens and buy a 50mm 1.8 for $85 and that 70-200 and your golden.

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