A few months ago i've purchased a camera for myself which ended up going to my parents as I left to try my luck in Auckland. That is the "background" story of how I got into DC's, what I wanted in my camera are a few "basic" things which I wasn't willing to compormise on, which I am pretty sure those who know better then me will understand:
3x Optical
3.2 megapixel CCD and not CMOS
1.5 LCD screen
and most importantly for me, a Web Cam feature which can work with Video Conferencing.
Other features which I wanted were these:
4x Digital
16mb Internal Ram and SD/MMC upgradable
Of course I wasn't going to object to higher functions, but that depends on the price range as I don't plan on spending 200$ and up on a camera which will barely be used and I don't want a WebCam cause they are all CMOS and my room is dark at night. I wanted a sorta of an all in one camera.
The only one I found which as I mentioned bought at an introducery price of 99$ was that Ezonics VistaCam Discovery LX (EZ-889) camera which had all those features and more! but for some reason, I couldn't find a single reviews on it. So i'm hoping maybe some of you out there can help, maybe find an alternative which has those features or if you have used it and can tell me what you think.
Thanks to everyone who gives a reply!
PS: I've put a link to the camera and I hope to hear some comments on the specs of it.
Additional Details:
I've recently seen this camera being sold on Trade-Me in New-Zealand, and the seller gives these specs: Panasonic CCD / Ricoh Lens / Epson LCD
You can buy it for 130$ with free shipping in the US from ZipZoomFly from what I can find, all other places sell it for 154 to 300$ US.