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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Question Extended Warranties

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to this thread and photography in general out side of general p&s cameras for family events.

    However, I'm researching my first DSLR and wanted to get some feedback on extended warranties. I'm a novice photographer but want something that will get me started and enable me to expand and provide flexibility. I'm currently looking at the Nikon D50 and D70s. While these are not super expensive cameras, they are not pocket change either and replacing one will be not be an enjoyable exercise.

    That said, I keep hearing the sales pitch for extended warranties that seem to cover everything except loss and theft. Are these extended warranties really worth it or are they just gimmicks to make more money for the dealer? I know there is always the propensity to drop a camera or otherwise ruin one's equipment but is this the way to address that need?

    Any feedback or insight is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Extended Warranties

    According to photo and consumer magazines, extended warranties average out at about 80% profit for the dealer and in some stores a juicier commission for the sales person. That is why they are pushed so hard.

    Getting action on an extended warranty can also be an issue. You may have to get a return code first and that may mean calling off-shore to India or wherever and getting put on hold for 30+ minutes listening to; "Your call is important to us!"

    In some cases, (read the fine print) the extended warranty may be from a third party company, it is not the store that honours it. Your camera must be shipped to another company for repairs, and some companies specialize in not making it easy to communicate to anyone with any authority, if you need customer service.

    It is a little like mail-in rebates. Some companies process them and get them back to the purchaser efficiently and effectively. Other companies make every effort to ignore them completely unless you do a lot of complaining.


  3. #3
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Georgia, usa

    Re: Extended Warranties

    I agree with ronnoco, and they will try anything to push it on you. Once one told me that a customer tried to put his camera in a bag, and he pushed it too hard and broke the LCD. He said that because the customer didn't buy the warranty, it cost him $300. I wouldn't get it myself. That is your choice though.

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