This is just a general thread about reflecting on some of the cool and quirky digital cameras that have been around. The great thing about digital photography is that it’s relatively new, as far as a technology goes. It’s only been about 20 years since digital cameras started coming on the scene, and less than 5 years since the average consumer could get a really good digital camera without spending thousands of dollars.
What early digital cameras did you have? The good, the bad, the wacky & weird!
I had 2 that come to mind. The first was a Sony Mavica. Remember these? They used a floppy disk for the “film”. That’s right, a 1.44 MB 3 ½ inch floppy disk. It was basically a small portable floppy drive with a lens on the front. You could feel the disk spinning inside it! I remember how great it was that I had nearly unlimited media, since floppy disks were all over the place at that time. I would have my friends save the AOL dial up floppies for me and pay them a quarter a piece so I had stacks of “film” for my camera! Picture quality was 640x480, if I remember. Yes, that is 0.3 MP! I thought it was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. It still might be!
The second was a Fujifilm 4900. This was my first “real” camera. It was $999 when it first came out; I bought mine for $700 so it must have been out for 6 months or so before I got mine. It had a 2.4 MP sensor, but Fujifilm used a special “hexagonal pixel array” and secret interpolation algorithms to give you a 4.3 MP picture, which at the time was the most available to consumers. I think you could by a pro level 6 MP for $3,000 if I remember correctly. It had a 5X zoom, and the lens was built in, but you could screw an adaptor over the lens and add either a wide angle reducer or a telephoto magnifier. I had both of these. The moon picture that is my avatar (also on my Shutterbug site, link is in my signature) was taken with this camera. I think I somehow screwed more than one telephoto magnifier on it, I am pretty sure that I got up to a 20x zoom for the moon picture. I got my first paying gig with this camera, taking pictures of cars at a car show for the car clubs’ newsletter. It had a big ol’ grip and a .55 inch screen on the back. I sold it online for about $400 a few years after I bought it.
Well, those are my thoughts. I’d love to hear some memories of YOUR old school digital cameras!