Hey all,
I went for a night shot session earlier tonight with my D70 and shot a river at dawn from various angles. Looking at my pictures at their full size I have been noticing stanges dark spots which I suspect might have been dust. Theses spots were pretty much located in the same area when they showed but they only appeared on few pictures, the others being perfectly clean...
Back home, I looked at the front element of my lenses which was clean and deciced (out of curiosity) to shoot a white sheet as I tought that it would be easy to map dust if there was some but the "picture" proven to be perfect.
What happened here?? Dust on the front element that fell off by itself or dust on the sensor that fell off by itself (or something else)??. The camera is not even 1 week old and I have only put on the lense when I got the body. New dust cannot have entered inside the body and all my pictures before tonight were fine.
any imput would be much appreciated.