I am new to these forums, and to owning a Digital Camera. I have used Digital Camera’s before, but never owned one myself. I hope someone experienced would be kind enough to give his/her opinion on the following questions.
1. I would like to know how long do digital cameras (compacts like the Canon Powershot for example) last? i.e. I would like to know approx. how many pictures can you take before it is time to replace your camera.
Note: I have not asked how long digital cameras last in terms of time. I know that their parts certainly get old over time. My question is regarding usage i.e. as you increase using your camera, the parts certainly get old or worn out. How many pictures does an average camera take before it wears out.
2. Excluding dropping a camera, getting it wet, or physically smashing it, what are the most popular ways of mistakenly damaging a digital camera?
For e.g. Would an accidental exposure to the sun (i.e. pointing to the sun) damage a camera? Would sudden contrast or changes in light setting damage a digital camera? Are there any other ways of damaging it?
Thanks a lot,
O. O.