I am planning on buying a digital camera for around 200 - 400 dollars.

I want a camera which has:
- a charger with the camera
- the abilty to capture high defintion video
- the abilty to capture high quality picture
- at least 8 megapixel

I want to use the camera to mostly take videos. So, I want a camera which take hd quality video.

I use to have a HP camera that takes video but it kinda sucked, I bought it in 2003 or 2004. It was good on taking video outside, but inside the room it sucked. It looked like the room was dark. You couldn`t see the people clearly, they were dark too. So is there a camera that can take the room clear or lighter then it is?

I am planning on ordering today on the internet, so can someone please give me some good tips.