Hi everyone
Im new here - but I have read the rules etc. and looked in some other threads etc.
Im wondering if anyone could kindly help - I have been researching which camera to buy for over a year now. Problem is - I research it - go to the shop to but it - and discover there is a new model out
I am an art student that also studys design as well - so I takes photographs which need details. I am also a model maker so need a camera to take very accurate pictures of those as well
This means a nice zoom, a very high macro ( i usually use macro on most shots as I work close up alot ), easy to hold / handle as well as accurate colours match
I have been using a nikon for quite a while ( an old 775 model - but it has done its job well ) and am quite keen to stay with nikons due to bad experiences with a samsung ( is that niave of me ? )
Im looking in the price range of about £200 ( in english - so american dollars it would be about $400 as you seem to get cameras cheaper )
There are 2 models from nikon im stuck between though. The 7900 ( which is out of production but sill highly recommended on most sites due to its CCD ( which i dont really understand)) and the S4 - I like the twist idea as well as the fact it has a 10 time optical zoom ( I really dont like digital zooms )
However people keep suggesting other cameras else where on other websites - I would like the camera by next week if possible as im at an international convention
So could anyone help on those 2 models above please or an alternative which is better in the same sort of price range ?
Any help is much appreciated