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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Compact Camera for Travel

    Hi, I travel somewhat frequently and love taking photos. I notice that I rarely want to carry a big DSLR with me due to its weight and the extra attention it may get me. So instead of beautiful travel pictures and snapshots, I end up with an empty memory card. My initial requirements, in no particular order, are below:

    -Size (something I can put in my back pocket or a jacket pocket)
    -Image quality (am I mainly looking at sensor size/pixel density here?)
    -Manual controls
    -RAW files
    -Hotshoe for flash (somewhat optional if the decision is close)

    I would appreciate some suggestions, other features I should be looking for, or specific suggestions for items above (e.g. stay away from 1/1.7" sensors, stay away from Brand X, etc). Thanks in advance for your comments.

  2. #2
    Member Stina's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    I would take a look at the Canon S90. I was one of the cameras a considered when shopping for a point a shoot recently. I think it fits all your requirements.
    If every morning when you wake your goal is to straighten out people, you probably should be a funeral director. - Charles Lowery

  3. #3
    Formerly Michael Fanelli, mwfanelli, mfa mwfanelli2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    Quote Originally Posted by caleb
    Hi, I travel somewhat frequently and love taking photos. I notice that I rarely want to carry a big DSLR with me due to its weight and the extra attention it may get me. So instead of beautiful travel pictures and snapshots, I end up with an empty memory card. My initial requirements, in no particular order, are below:

    -Size (something I can put in my back pocket or a jacket pocket)
    -Image quality (am I mainly looking at sensor size/pixel density here?)
    -Manual controls
    -RAW files
    -Hotshoe for flash (somewhat optional if the decision is close)

    I would appreciate some suggestions, other features I should be looking for, or specific suggestions for items above (e.g. stay away from 1/1.7" sensors, stay away from Brand X, etc). Thanks in advance for your comments.
    I second the Canon S90. A guy at school has one and loves it. FWIW, manual controls on a compact camera aren't nearly as useful as on a DSLR.
    “Men never do evil so cheerfully and completely as when they do so from religious conviction.” — Blaise Pascal

  4. #4
    Member Stina's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli2
    FWIW, manual controls on a compact camera aren't nearly as useful as on a DSLR.
    I agree with this also. The point and shoot I had before had manual controls and I rarely used them. I liked the Canon S90 but I decided to go with the Panasonic ZS3 and have not regretted the decision one bit. I know I gave up manual controls and RAW but to have a 25-300 Leica lens in my point and shoot it was worth it. But if the manual controls and RAW are must haves for you I think the S90 is the way to go for a pocket camera.
    Last edited by Stina; 01-25-2010 at 02:38 PM.
    If every morning when you wake your goal is to straighten out people, you probably should be a funeral director. - Charles Lowery

  5. #5
    Member Stina's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    Ok just realized I missed the hot shoe flash. The Canon G11 is bigger size wise than the S90 but it has the same sensor and a hot shoe. The Panasonic LX3 is also an option, has manual controls, a hot shoe, and does RAW files but it is a bit larger that either the S90 or the ZS3
    If every morning when you wake your goal is to straighten out people, you probably should be a funeral director. - Charles Lowery

  6. #6
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Mineral Point, WI, USA

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    I will also second what others said about manual controls on a pocket camera. They generally aren't very user friendly.

    I have heard good things about the S90 and the G11. I have a G9 and love it. A little larger than a pocket camera, but I do carry mine in my jacket pocket. The hot shoe mount is nice but most of the time I want to use my G9 it's because I don't want to carry a lot of gear, including a flash.

    I have also heard very good things about the LX3 as far as image quality goes. The one negative I have heard about it is the lack of RAW support. If you shoot in RAW with the LX3 you are basically limited to using the software that comes with it as your RAW converter. Not sure if you can convert to DNG or not.

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    "I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
    Aldo Leopold

  7. #7
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
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    Buzzards Bay, MA., USA

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    I have an SX 200 IS. It does not have the hot shoe, but you can buy an external flash. It offers enough manual control that the camera store where I bought it said I could use it in their classes where people use digital slr's. It is not as good in low light as the S90, but has an incredible zoom range 28-336. It also has several raw modes.

    The manager at the store, which is a Canon Dealer, assured me that many pro's (in the Cape Cod, MA area) have taken a liking to this as a pocket camera even versus the S90 and that the "jury was still out" on the S90. I had mentioned in another thread that I had actually wanted a ZS3 (for my intentions), but the SX200 has been serving me well. Being new to much of the "newer" technology in digital, I am probably less critical as some of the others mainly due to lack of overall experience. Either way, I figured I would respond here. You should also take a serious look at the recent threads on the ZS3, you may end up really liking its versatility despite not having full manual capabilities.

    Good Luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Compact Camera for Travel

    Hey, thanks a lot for the replies. The S90 looks great. I looked at the SX200, but I prefer a larger sensor & less pixel density. I think I'll give up a hotshoe for size vs the G11.

    I would not have looked into the S90/SX200 without this thread (I was leaning to G series). Thanks again

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