When inhaling the CBD vape oil by using a vaporiser, CBD passes through the lungs directly into the large blood circulation, which supplies the entire body. In contrast to sublingual intake, this prevents the liver from degrading a certain part of the active ingredient and thus inactivating it. This ensures 100% consumption and rapid onset of the CBD compound.

Use the vape oil as usual in your e-cigarette. One millilitre of the liquid contains 50mg CBD. For comparison: This corresponds to about 8 drops of our 15% buy cbd oil. Keep the steam in your lungs for a few seconds to achieve optimal absorption of the active ingredient.

Please note: e-cigarettes are not suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, nursing mothers, pregnant women and persons under 18 years of age! The products must also be kept out of the reach of children. None of the Nordic CBD products, including e-liquids is not intended to treat nicotine addiction. Please contact your pharmacist or doctor if you wish to stop using nicotine. Please contact your pharmacist or doctor if you wish to stop using nicotine.