I'm a casual to beginning photographer. I currently have a Canon G3. The main reason I want to upgrade is the size. Our friends love their subcompact cameras and my wife and I have to lug around a small duffle bag holding our G3. So, our plans are to sell the G3 and upgrade. Several cameras I've been looking at are listed below.
Canon SD900 10.0 MP ($400-500)
Canon SD800 7.1MP ($335-385)
Canon SD700 IS 6.0MP ($280-350)
Pentax A10 8.0MP ($220-275)
Pentax A20 10.0MP ($300-325)
Panasonic DMC-TZ1 5.0MP ($230-275)
I'd like to be in the $300 range. It is important to me to have an image stabilizer. I'm also concerned about the time between shots (2 sec with the Canons and 6 sec with the Pentax). I was all about the Pentax until I found that. I'm not exactly sure if I really need the highest pixels (8-10). I was attracted to the Panasonic due to the 10x zoom and the image stabilizer, however I'm not sure about Panasonic cameras and it is quite larger than the others. In a nut shell, we'd like a good, reliable camera that can fit in our pocket and won't be out dated in 3 years. So, the question is what camera would be the best performing, best investment, for the money???