I can't believe I've had such a hard time choosing a camera. In the past year I've help purchase an SD850 for one friend and an SD870 for another. Now it's my turn to buy a new camera and retire my increasingly annoying S400.
I've played with the SD850, SD850, SD890, and SD950 in the stores and narrowed my choices down to the SD890 and SD950.
Which do you think of the two is the best? The SD950 prices have come down and are the same if not cheaper than the new SD890. I'm not really sure the 12meg pixels is necessary though. Also I've read of lag from some people, and others that if they get a faster SD card it improved. The one thing is the SD890 doesn't have wide angle shots, correct? As for the SD890 I've also read of lag but there hasn't been enough reviews or comments since it's pretty new to judge. Out of the two, which do you think is better and why? Please help! This is making me nuts and i want to order one by the end of today!