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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    salt lake city, ut

    Canon G1 Raw and OSX

    My first digital camera (and one I still use) is a Canon G1. I shot a LOT in raw back when it was my primary camera.

    OSX used to natively support these files, but that support has since been depricated.

    What format should I convert to and/or is there a tool that would support these images natively?



  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: Canon G1 Raw and OSX

    The ADOBE Camera RAW (ACR) products including Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, and Lightroom will give you 'native' interpretation I believe in their current versions. It's the file type that many software vendors eliminated some time back for one reason or another.

    This is a case where I'd convert every RAW from that G1 Camera to DNG. The free converter from Adobe will do it one directory/drive/device at a time as long as there's room in the same storage space. If not just copy it to a drive and have at it!

    Then with DNG you have format you can use without having lost any data, including the original which will still exist buried inside of the DNG wrapper. Still save your originals as backup. With the DNG there are other software products that will read them. Possible problems but they are 'fixable' and you won't loose the original potential of the files.

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  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Canon G1 Raw and OSX

    I agree with DRG on this. The DNG format is the way to go. It's still a smaller file than TIFF and it's lossless. It's basically still RAW, but converted to a more univeral format that's not going to get phased out.

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