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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Can someone please help?

    So I got a nikon coolpix digital camera (the Ashton Kutcher featured one) for Christmas and took it back because the quality was horrible and almost every picture was a blur. So right now I have about $300 for a new digital camera. I have been looking at the Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX1 ( ). Its a little pricier but I am willing to spend a little more, trying to stay under $400 though.

    Here's what I need help on. I wanna know if this is the best camera that I'll get for this price, and when I say best this is what I'm looking for:
    -HD Pictures
    -HD Video
    -A nice macro shooter
    -A panoramic setting
    -A good out-door camera for landscape shots

    I love macro pictures and panoramic pictures, also a lot of the pictures I will be taking will be of sunsets, the sky, and random things. I'm not a very experienced photographer so I'm not sure what to look for in a camera, so I've turned to the ones who know what they're talking about, you!

    So if you have any suggestions at all on a camera around that price that can accomplish most of what I'm looking for then please let me know! Also if you have any experience with the TX1 please let me know your thoughts on it. I'm sorry if this was confusing at all, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated, Thank You!

  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: Can someone please help?

    I'm not a point and shoot expert but have a lot of good about the Panasonic lumix lx3.
    It'll cost more but gets very good reviews.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Can someone please help?

    We can definitely help. But before I make any recommendations I'd like to know more about the problems you had with the Nikon point-and-shoot. Were most of the problem photos taken indoors in low light? The reason I ask is that those kind of photos are going to be a problem with pretty much any camera. With low light photos it's important to learn a little bit of technique. Sometimes people have unrealistic expectations about what cameras are capable of. It's good to make sure you understand what the reality is - versus what the camera marketing people would like you to think. What you see Ashton doing on a TV commercial isn't necessarily how things really work

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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    When I took the pictures it was in both day and night indoors. During the day time the lighting was good! Yet every picture I took was not very clear and normally blurry. Also when the flash function is on its usually too bright it seemed like. But I've played with the TX1 and it seems pretty solid. I've heard good things about sonys WX1 too. Thanks

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    Anyone have any more suggestions, or which one to pick, the TX1 or WX1?

  6. #6
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: Can someone please help?

    I'm not sure but this thread might help you.... Canon G11, S90, Panasonic Lumix LX-3, or PowerShot SX20 IS
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  7. #7
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Can someone please help?

    Quote Originally Posted by kalbracht
    Anyone have any more suggestions, or which one to pick, the TX1 or WX1?
    Sorry, I had this discussion open on my computer but haven't had a chance to get back to you.

    I haven't used the TX1 or the WX1, but I have used Sony T-Series cameras and the W-Series cameras. The T-Series has a really nice design and they're very compact. But the tiny lens on the T-Series is the weak link. I'd go with the WX1 because the lens will be better and it will have a better feature set, too. As far as blurry photos, that's either a problem with motion blur or bad focusing. Without seeing some samples it's impossible for me to tell if it was a camera problem or user error. My guess is that it's a bit of both. In other words, I don't think changing cameras is going to make a huge difference for you. But I also think the Sony WX1 will probably be better than the Nikon you had, if it was one of the ones that has the same design as the Sony TX1. If you do have more problems with blur, you can post samples here and I am sure we can teach you some technique that will help you minimize the problem in the future

    If you'd like to look at some alternative cameras, I have been recommending the Panasonic Lumix ZS3 to tons of people. It's pretty small, has a 12x zoom lens and a great feature set. Personally, I'd choose it over either Sony. Here's an article I wrote about the Panasonic after I got to test drive it for a day:

    Panasonic Lumix ZS3 Test >>

    I hope that helps. Let us know if you have more questions. I'll keep an eye on this thread.

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  8. #8 wolu's Avatar
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    I would suggest TX1 as I think they are similar but is slightly more updated than WX1. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    So any other peoples thoughts on my choice? The TX1, WX1, or the ZS3? Keep in mind I want the best quality, especially for shooting outdoor pictures!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Reno, NV

    Re: Can someone please help?

    How compact do you need it to be? If you are going to be doing landscapes you are going to want a camera with manual options (also prepares you for owning a dslr). I would very much look into a Canon S90. It has fantastic low light capability (for a compact) for when you want to do indoor or low light stuff and has the same sensor as the G11 for less money. You won't get the super zoom, but from what I've seen and heard this camera is going to produce some beautiful stuff once you learn the controls.

    Ken Rockwell is pretty opinionated but he does know his stuff. Also, read up on his pretty easy to understand compostion, color, etc. sections. They'll teach you some good stuff.

  11. #11
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    Ok so I am considering the s90, TX1, sx1, zs3, and the sx200. Keep in mind I'm looking for clarity, outdoor shots including the sky and sunsets, and want a pretty swell macro function. Also keep in mind I am no professional photographer I am just starting and want it as a hobby but I will be very dedicated to figuring out techniques, settings, etc. Thank you for all your input

  12. #12
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: Can someone please help?

    If image quality is your top priority, then you should get the Canon S90. It's a wonderful little camera. It's basically the same camera as the G11 that Ridgetop mentioned. It has the same sensor and most of the same features, including full manual exposure controls when you're ready for them. I had a loaner from Canon for a while and I think it's a wonderful pocket camera.

    If you'd like to trade a bit of image quality for more features and flexibility, then you should seriously consider the Panasonic ZS3. I had a chance to use it at the official introduction last year. Since then, it's been the camera I've recommended most to people looking for a good point-and-shoot. It just packs so much into such a small package. The image quality won't be as good as the Canon S90. But only super picky people will be able to discern the difference. Here are articles on both cameras:

    Canon PowerShot S90 Video Preview >>
    Panasonic Lumix XZS3 Preview >>

    Personally, I'd have a tough time choosing between those two cameras. They're both great cameras in their own way. The Canon's image quality is really beautiful. But I really love the flexibility of the long zoom and the AVCHD Lite video on the ZS3. If the Canon had a longer lens, it would be a no-brainer. But as is usually the case, some compromise will be required

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  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    How is the s90's video quality? And how is its macro shooting? Also is it difficult to use?

  14. #14
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
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    Re: Can someone please help?


    Somewhat of a new guy to the "latest" in digital but this site has helped immensely. The advice by Photo John in particular. The past several weeks have led me on an obsessive compulsive mission for a compact/subcompact digital in the "What's right for me?" category.

    I kept coming to this post along with a recent post by stina

    Canon G11, S90, Panasonic Lumix LX-3, or PowerShot SX20 IS

    I ended up deciding that I WILL take the compromises involved with photo quality/low light shooting and go for a compact superzoom like the SX 200 IS or the Panasonic TZ7-ZS3 rather than getting the S90. I want the wide angle and wicked zoom all in one(fairly) little package and I want it NOW. Why? Because their available, and it more than suits my "amateur with hope" needs. Would I and my viewing audience really be able to tell anyway? Not really. They are happy with my cell phone pictures. I ended up with the SX200IS even though I really wanted to get the ZS3, which I will try to explain later. Versus the SX 200 IS,which Canon designed to attack the ZS3, the ZS3 doesn't offer manual control but gives you a wider angle(25-300 vs 28-336) higher res 3" lcd screen (460 vs 230), optical zoom while in video(SX only does digital), stereo recording in video (SX is mono) high speed shutter burst ability(not on SX 200) and the ability to be put in some type of waterproof enclosure(not available for SX200) Another annoyance with the SX200 IS often mentioned is the pop-up flash. The ZS3 flash is flush on the front.

    Why did I get the SX200 IS? After the sales rep at Orleans Camera on Cape Cod here in MA., put his last one aside for me, went through all of the features/benefits etc., I went for it. It was a soft consultative sell with no high pressure tactics. Plus it came with a little New England Patriots cooler bag. The SX200 is still a great camera with great versatility. The manual aspect is available and it may prompt me to get back into playing with settings and experimenting. Although not an SLR, the camera shop owner said I could use this camera in the various photography classes which they offer. Though it does not have the same features as mentioned above in the ZS3 , the reality of it (for me) is that it will be just fine for what I want. I currently have been mostly using it on the auto mode most of the time, but like on the ZS3 there are a lot of scene mode options.

    When you think about what these two cameras have to offer versus what was available not too long ago, you almost can't go wrong with either one. I am amazed and I am not that smart. I personally would table the S90 angle for now, and get the ZS3 or SX200 for their incredible all around versatility. They may not be the "most compact" but when you pack that kind of lens in there, what do you expect.

    I hope this helps rather than adds to the confusion.

    I also want to add the SX200 has two Macro modes and a photo "stitching" feature which aids with panoramic shots.

    By the way, I paid $299.00 for the SX200 it was 349.00 with a 50.00 instant rebate
    Last edited by Bretm1; 01-17-2010 at 11:41 AM.

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    How is the zs3 and the sx200 outdoors?

  16. #16
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States


    Quote Originally Posted by kalbracht
    How is the zs3 and the sx200 outdoors?
    What exactly do you mean by "outdoors?" They'll both take great photos outdoors. But if you're looking for something more rugged you'll have to make some more compromises. All of the waterproof and shockproof cameras have less zoom and more compromised image quality.

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  17. #17
    Member Stina's Avatar
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    Re: Can someone please help?

    Hi I'm the one that started the post that was referenced earlier in this tread. I ordered the Panasonic ZS3 after some input from Photo-John. I haven't regretted the decision one bit. Before making the final decision I went to a camera store and tried out both the ZS3 and the SX200. I know I was giving up manual control with the ZS3 but when I really thought about it when I used the other point and shoot I have I rarely ever use the manual setting. I realized that in the situations in which I choose to take the P&S instead of the SLR I was simply wanting to have a camera but not wanting to fiddle with lots of camera setting (or my husband or my friend don't want to wait for me to) the preset modes work just fine. The ZS3 has quite a few modes and the iA does a really good job.

    Here is a post with a few photos I took with the ZS3 ZS3 Photos
    If every morning when you wake your goal is to straighten out people, you probably should be a funeral director. - Charles Lowery

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