hello, i am thinking of buying my first digital camera and i have a few models in mind but i need some expert opinion.
i am from hong kong but i have converted to price to us dollars
there is a special deal for the BenQ C40 for US$140 with no SD/MMC card
or i was thinking the canon a400 for $190 with a 128mb card
or just today i found the sanyo S3 for $204 with a 128 mb card
the benQ has highest MP but is not such a famous brand and i heard it doesnt have some auto focus function...
i got my details from : http://www.letsgodigital.nl/en/camera/products.html
but just wanted to know if any1 has experiecne with any of these cameras
btw i just a beginner and wud take photos with friends or just for fun