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Thread: Which camera??

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SSS Which camera?? 12-16-2005, 08:33 PM
ken1953 Re: Which camera?? 12-17-2005, 08:07 PM
Grandpaw Re: Which camera?? 12-18-2005, 07:33 AM
  1. #1
    SSS is offline
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    Which camera??

    FZ20, FZ30, ProShot 1, S2IS...Is an 8 mpixel worth the extra cost over a 5 mp? I'm looking for a big zoom for nature shots. I've got a 3.2 mp point and shoot and am looking to trade up. Thanks for any help provided.

  2. #2
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Which camera??

    Hi SSS and welcome to PR...
    This is a question that has been asked alot on here lately. A lot of us are buying new cameras. In short, Yes and is it worth the cost. You are the only one that can come to that conclusion. I recently upgraded from a 3.0 mp Kodak and was seriously considering a couple of the cameras you are looking at. One of the big factors that I've found over the 8 vs the 5 is that you have a lot better clarity when it comes to cropping. I bought a Nikon 8400 with only 3.5x zoom and therefore, I'm able to crop things that are further away and still get a nice pic. If you are going to have a long may not need that function and 5 may do you well. Also, It will depend on how big of a picture you want printed. The more pixels...the larger the picture available. As you probably learned from your 3.2 could print a nice 8x10...with 5 you can probably get a nice 10x13 or better and with can get a poster size pretty nicely. As far as the cameras's going to depend on what you "need" to satisfy you. They are all fairly nice. Make sure to go the reviews section here and research them...and finally, make sure you make a trip to the camera store of your choice and feel the cameras in your hands because as I'm learning real fast....feel of a camera is very important...especially if, like me, you have large hands. Hope this helps a little.

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  3. #3
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Which camera??

    Quote Originally Posted by SSS
    FZ20, FZ30, ProShot 1, S2IS...Is an 8 mpixel worth the extra cost over a 5 mp? I'm looking for a big zoom for nature shots. I've got a 3.2 mp point and shoot and am looking to trade up. Thanks for any help provided.
    Originally Posted by SSS
    FZ20, FZ30, ProShot 1, S2IS...Is an 8 mpixel worth the extra cost over a 5 mp? I'm looking for a big zoom for nature shots. I've got a 3.2 mp point and shoot and am looking to trade up. Thanks for any help provided.

    I think Ken gave you some excellent advice. I also just purchased a new camera. In choosing a camera I think there are several things that I would want to decide before starting to look. First is what do you want to take pictures of? Second would be how much control do you want over the adjustments on the camera? How much cropping will you be doing and how big of prints do you want to be able to print? I think one more thing that should be added is what kind of budget do you have for the camera and accessories such as memory cards, flash attachments , filters and lens tripods and other accessories. The camera is just the beginning. There is also the obvious question of what quality of prints do you want.

    If you get a large zoom lens and compose your shots while they are being taken then cropping won't be as big a deal and the larger mega pix won't be needed as much for cropping. Frame the picture correctly to begin with and your better off. Even if you do this there will be times you might still want to crop a picture and enlarge it.

    Ken mentioned getting a feel for the camera and that is also a very good suggestion. I wear a seventy regular jacket so having a camera big enough to get my big paws around is also very important. No matter how great the camera is if you can't hold on to it or operate it comfortably you will not be happy.

    I'm sure I left out several things you need to consider but this is a quick list before leaving to go Christmas shopping. Hope this helps, Jeff
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