Hi everyone,
I have been trying to make up my mind about a DSLR. However, the issues of which lens to partner the camera seems to be an important one. For example, the kit lens from Canon for their 350XT is rated at F 3.5-5.6, while the Zuiko lens for the Olympus is rated F 2.8 - 3.5. Just what is the potential effect on the quality of the image and the ISO rating which can be assigned to a particular photo. (I hope I got the numbers right). Canon make an 17-85 lens that costs 3 times as much as the kit lens, and is much faster (lower F stop). Does this mean that the low light performance is even better than the kit lens, or is it just sharper?

If you have a faster lens, such as some of the newer F2.0 lenses from Zuiko, or a better Canon or Nikon lens with F2.8) do you still need to have a high sensitivity for the CCD or CMOS chip that captures the image?

Will the faster lens allow you to take better advantage of the sensitivity of the CCD or CMOS chip?

I may not have worded this very well, but I hope there is enough for people more knowledgeable than me to explain this rather confusing aspect of the new digital camera development.
