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Thread: CF I -vs- CF II

  1. #1
    Member VanillaKisses's Avatar
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    Rock Falls, IL

    Question CF I -vs- CF II

    i've heard the highs and lows of each, now what is YOUR opinion (i'm going to use it with the Minolta A200 i ordered)

  2. #2
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Feb 2003
    Sweet home Ala... Florida

    Re: CF I -vs- CF II

    Honestly I don't think you will find any difference. Just get a cheap 1gig and a smaller 512, or 256 as a back up.
    John Cowan
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  3. #3
    Nikon Samurai #14 DownByFive's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Re: CF I -vs- CF II

    To the best of my knowledge, the only difference is the physical dimensions, and just about the only cards in CFII spec are Microdrives. So unless you buy a Microdrive, you'll be buying a CF1 card. As far as Microdrives are concerned, I plan on avoiding them, even if they are a little cheaper. I don't like the idea of extra moving parts, and the price gap is shrinking. But there are a few Microdrive apologists out there, so they may say differently...

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  4. #4
    Member Stephen Lutz's Avatar
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    Re: CF I -vs- CF II

    I can't say that I'm an "apologist" for microdrives, but I do have a 1 gig IBM microdrive. I've owned it for a couple of years, and used it extensively. It works, and has worked fine since I've owned it. Microdrives are a good way to have ultra high capacity at a lower cost. A 4 gig hitachi microdrive, for example, can be had for about $190. Of course, their write times are slower that a CF 1 card, so if you do a lot of burst shooting or shoot in RAW mode all the time, a microdrive might not be for you.

    I once left a CF-1 card in my pants pocket and it went through the washer, and the dryer, and still worked. I doubt my microdrive would have survived this, so be careful with them.

  5. #5
    Freelance Photographer meeksdigital's Avatar
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    Sonoma, CA

    Re: CF I -vs- CF II

    CFI is a Certified Flight Instructor. CFII is a Certified Flight Instructor- Instructor (one who may train flight instructors).
    or were you talking about CompactFlash cards? lol
    Trevor Meeks
    MeeksDigital Photography

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