Do any of the compact digital cameras have aperture override settings?
If you mean aperture priority, yes some do. But its not all that useful because the focal lengths (real, not "equivalent") are so small that DOF is tremendous regardless.
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain
What Michael said is true - depth-of-field control isn't a big issue with compact digital cameras. But...
It's a big deal if you want shallow depth-of-field. Because of the tiny sensors, compact digital cameras have tons of depth-of-field. So portraits with soft backgrounds are hard to do. There are lots of compacts with aperture controls, either full manual or aperture-priority exposure modes. But they have limited value since it's tough to get a shallow depth-of-field. If you want lots of depth-of-field, compact digital cameras are great, though. So for landscapes or macro photos, where getting enough depth-of-field can be a problem, compacts have bonus depth-of-field.