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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Aloha & Thanks Beforehand!

    Hello to all. . . .

    Let me begin with apologies beforehand as even though there is no stupid questions...unless you haven’t dealt with a 50++yr child of the 70's who in addition to dealing with the consequences of trying to jam all of the 60's & 70's into just a few months, is also negotiating his way around a cerebral roadblock of a few years prior that still have the detour signs in place.

    I have had a Nikon D50 for the past year and ½ and in addition to being afraid to clean it, I have absolutely zero confidence in taking advantage of all it has to offer. In the auto mode, the pictures I have shot to date, have all been deemed to be above average, by folks who have nothing to gain by B.S.’g me. . .with a small % of them good enough to publish.

    My problem is that no matter how many times I read the manual or several other of the books I’ve acquired, when it comes to wanting to shoot something on the fly, I have no clue as what to do. Ultimately, nothing happens when I press the button, or what does happen is not considered a picture!

    All I’d like is to be able to know what to do given a certain set of circumstances, short of seeing how far the camera will fly with the telephoto on!

    If there is anyone who would like to give me a hand, I am a good note taker, and a non-whiner!

    Kanab, UT

  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: Aloha & Thanks Beforehand!

    I have the D80 but am not familiar with the D50.
    However this site helped me a lot with my camera. Much easier to navigat than the manual.
    The D50 is third down on the left.

    You might get more answers if you post this to the Nikon forums. I know we have D50 users, past and present.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

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