Years in the physical security industry lead me to discover a real need for excellent IT managed services. I was often tasked with implementing an electronic solution for locks, security cameras, or other integrations. The basic physical network infrastructure was often poorly installed and maintained by several companies over the years. That’s why I started Alchemy Tech Labs, to do things by the Gold Standard.
I’ve had a few business ventures. Some of them very successful and some of them flops (my healthcare documentation start-up). One thing that was consistent throughout them was the ability to implement technology that worked for my business. Nothing fancy just because I could but practical things that saved time, money, and allowed me to focus on what mattered. That’s what I want for your business.
My work experience includes being a speech-language pathologist in Ohio, working in web development, high-end watches and jewelry, and most important to me – my work as a locksmith and security integrator.
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