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Thread: 72 dpi? 300dpi?

  1. #1
    Create, Innovate, Reproduce phrozen755's Avatar
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    New Milford, CT

    72 dpi? 300dpi?

    Hello all.

    I've been looking at a couple of digital photo images...taken by a japanese man. These images are superb (uses a Nikon DX2), however his pictures are 300dpi, instead of the usual 72dpi im use too seeing.

    I know its a pretty good / expensive digi he's got...but how the heck did he pull off 300dpi?! The photo's look PHENOMINAL! I was wondering how to replicate the same thing with my coolpix 8700?

    here's some of his pictures:


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  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL

    Re: 72 dpi? 300dpi?

    Have you seen the actual prints or only what's on this site? DPI doesn't mean anything on a computer screen; if the image is 600px X 400px (example) than you see those pixels. The size it's displayed on the screen has to do with your monitor's resolution, so if that's 1024x768 then it's a small part of the screen. If you want to see it bigger at the same screen resolution, then size it to 900x600, etc.

    DPI only becomes part of the equation when printing. 72dpi is too low for most printing applications, other than maybe a large sign (billboards are lower than this, I've heard). 300dpi is a good place to start for printing, but usually you can get nice results at a lower resolution (like 240dpi). This is set in a program like Photoshop.

    Here's an example. My camera is 3024x2016. If I print at 300dpi, then I'll get a print that's about 10" x 6-3/4" (dividing the number of pixels by the dpi). I know I can make the files much larger than that by changing the file size in Photoshop, and have gotten great 16x24's at 240dpi by doing this. Of course, having more resolution helps with bigger prints. I think the D2X records about twice as many pixels as mine. That will give you bigger prints without having to increase the file size, or increase a smaller amount, to get a big print. You can do all of this with any digital camera, including an 8700.

  3. #3
    See things differently Jacqui's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA, United States

    Re: 72 dpi? 300dpi?

    what he ^ said. :-)

  4. #4
    Create, Innovate, Reproduce phrozen755's Avatar
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    New Milford, CT

    Re: 72 dpi? 300dpi?

    ahh poo.

    So the reason his pictures are totally liquid, (no noise) is not a reason of taking his pictures at 300dpi? crap.

    From looking at his pictures, how would one pull off such clarity?

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