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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    never mind... duh question.
    Last edited by cm_mtb; 04-30-2009 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #27
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    If I could afford a full frame I'd get one for the 'dyanamic range' which is more important than resolution to me. Everything I've read says 8/10/12 mgpxls is plenty.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  3. #28
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    yeah, Frog - that's what I read, too...

    It recently dawned upon me that this is but another iteration of something... that doesn't even have a name. There are a couple words, like brainwashing, that come close but they are not the whole thing.

    The first thing we experience in this place is a stiff smack on the ass. There probably are more gentle, and respectful ways to get that job done. But it serves notice on us as to how we will be perceived, throughout life.

    At every turn, the message is clear: YOU ARE NOTHING. Your thoughts mean squat. Shut the he77 up, and do what you're told. We're not paying you to think! You are not good enough, never have been and never can be...

    The condition that ensues, after x years of that, is what lacks a name. Mentally, they keep you barefoot and pregnant - living in your car, eating sawdust and working at Mickey Deez.

    You arrive at a place where you don't even try to think for yourself, 'cause you know that will bring only trouble. You have been dominated so long you wait for orders... then you accept them. You can not do otherwise because you're beaten down, to a point where there's nothing left... The end condition is where you march happily off to die, because L. B. J. told you to, and you perceive those that refuse to do so, as cowards!

    Oh, how I wish I could negate this lifetime, somehow. The things I have seen in this horrible place will pollute my soul, for eons to come. I would show the end to this entire, wretched race, if that power was granted to me!

    If you can't find the personal power to overcome (what has no name), I understand. I do not criticize you, for it. I do not know why or how I am able to honor what my own eyes report, over the bellowing of the herd, but I will get down on my knees and thank God for that, right now.

  4. #29
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    I do not have the money to experiment with every camera that comes out and so rely on reports of independent opinions. If that is brainwashing then I am subjugated.
    If it is using my mind to look beyond commercial hype, then I am free.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  5. #30
    I'm in the dark... YES! ;)
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ozarks, MO - now, NE IN

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    Quote Originally Posted by random one
    full size (aka. full frame) sensors capture the whole image (relatively speaking) and non full size (aka. APS-C) sensors capture a middle portion of the whole image.

    it's kind of complicated, but simple at the same time. take a look at this website and scroll down a bit until you see the diagram and the example pictures. you can read everything if you want, but the pictures and diagram should give you an idea.

    this is just some random website i just found in a google search. its about 2 canon models, but still explains the full frame/ crop difference.
    oh wise random one - thanks, that link, IMHO is quite good... simply stated, covers both sides of the debate but w/o pissing on either side. :thumbsup:

  6. #31
    Junior Member
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    May 2008
    Santa Clara, California

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    John, very interesting conversation... great information. I just learned a lot. So if I was to buy a 40D or 50D would it make good sense or be advantageous, in trying to get better pictures, to buy EF lenses over EF-S. Or is it throwing money away, because a APS-C sensor wont be able to utilize the higher quality lense ? Your opinion is to save money on camera body and spend it on lenses, does this follow suit?

  7. #32
    Toon Army Foot Soldier straightarm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Exiled from the Toon.

    Re: Whats the Difference??

    Quote Originally Posted by I_Dralion
    John, very interesting conversation... great information. I just learned a lot. So if I was to buy a 40D or 50D would it make good sense or be advantageous, in trying to get better pictures, to buy EF lenses over EF-S. Or is it throwing money away, because a APS-C sensor wont be able to utilize the higher quality lense ? Your opinion is to save money on camera body and spend it on lenses, does this follow suit?
    If you go for APS-C camera, don't get too worried about whether the lens is EF-S or EF, just make sure it's the right one for what you want to shoot.

    for example,if you want a very wide angle then the 10-22 EF-S might suit you best. However if you want a long tele, the 300mm f2.8 L or 500mm f4 L, both EF lenses, might be your best bet.
    Simon, bombadier 1st class

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