i have a 75-300 is lens i shoot on my 20d.
with all the variables accounted for i feel this is a pretty weak lens for the price.
i know it is not top of the line glass but it should not be as crappy as what i think it is.
i have compared the stuff i am taking to others with the same lens.
i have also taken about 3500 shots through it and am less than amazed with the quality.
it is not me cause with other lenses and even other cameras i have done much better.
i am blaming this on my ability at this time but have a queezy feeling that this lens is "just not right"
on occasion i have taken some spectacular shots but they are very few. most are soft and the focus often incorrect. i have used af as well as mf. is on and off. light great, blah, blah, blah.
it works the best when it is at 75-100 but why have a 300 mm lens if it can't make anywhere near that distance most of the time?
is it possible there may be some problem with the function? if so how could i tell and how could i prove it?
i have seeen stuff on other pages that said this lens is junk. others like theirs.
since i am gonna buy the 100-300 anyway i was thinking of selling this thing off. on the other hand it is good enough for an occasasional backup or even another when it shoots correctly.
what do y'all think.
thanx in advance