Like Gahspidy in an earlier thread, I've been trying to decide between the 5D and the 40D as both have great/different attributes for different purposes.
Went to buy one a few days ago and a good friend of mine whispered in my ear that the 5D replacement may be on its way within 4 months. Based on Canon's recent arrivals, I can only assume it will be full-frame, 14~16 MP, Live View, and Digic III - at least. My friend also thinks it will be 5 fps and possibly weather sealed at a price point where the 5D was a short time ago.
Just wondering if anyone else has heard anything. For me, it would be the answer to my wide angle needs which could also double for a high ISO wildlife camera with a cropped image quality possibly still exceeding my current 30D.
Will be interesting to see what/when a replacement will be announced.